[Liblas-commits] hg: 2 new changesets

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Thu Mar 18 09:53:14 EDT 2010

changeset ca4ae67525dc in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=ca4ae67525dc
summary: wave goodbye to makefile.vc.  You have served us well, but now you are replaced with cmake.

changeset 2456f9f073e6 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=2456f9f073e6
summary: ignore .sln and .vcproj files


 .hgignore       |    2 +
 makefile.vc     |   84 --------------------
 nmake.opt       |  227 --------------------------------------------------------
 src/makefile.vc |   71 -----------------
 4 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 382 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 407 to 300 lines):

diff -r f787b5fa07f7 -r 2456f9f073e6 .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore	Wed Mar 17 20:13:00 2010 -0500
+++ b/.hgignore	Thu Mar 18 07:52:51 2010 -0600
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
diff -r f787b5fa07f7 -r 2456f9f073e6 makefile.vc
--- a/makefile.vc	Wed Mar 17 20:13:00 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Main libLAS makefile for use with NMAKE and Microsoft Visual C++
-!INCLUDE nmake.opt
-CC=     cl
-LINK=   link
-default: src_dir apps_dir
-    cd src
-    $(MAKE) /f makefile.vc 
-    cd ..
-    cd apps
-    $(MAKE) /f makefile.vc
-    cd ..
-	-del *.bak
-	-del *.lib
-	-del *.obj 
-	-del *.pdb
-	cd src
-	$(MAKE) /f makefile.vc clean
-	cd ..
-	cd apps
-	$(MAKE) /f makefile.vc clean
-	cd ..
-    -rmdir /s /q osgeo4w
-    -rmdir /s /q $(BINDIR)
-    -rmdir /s /q packages
-install: src_dir apps_dir
-    -mkdir $(BINDIR)
-    -mkdir $(LAS_HOME)\packages
-    -mkdir $(BINDIR)\lib
-    -mkdir $(BINDIR)\include\liblas
-    -mkdir $(OSGEO4W_DIR)
-    -mkdir $(OSGEO4W_DIR)\lib
-    -mkdir $(OSGEO4W_DIR)\devel
-    -mkdir $(OSGEO4W_DIR)\lib\bin
-    -mkdir $(OSGEO4W_DIR)\devel\include
-    -mkdir $(OSGEO4W_DIR)\devel\include\liblas
-    -mkdir $(OSGEO4W_DIR)\devel\lib
-    -mkdir $(OSGEO4W_DIR)\apps\python25\lib\site-packages\liblas
-    cd src
-    $(MAKE) /f makefile.vc install
-    cd ..
-    cd apps
-    $(MAKE) /f makefile.vc install
-    cd ..
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f src\liblas_i.lib $(BINDIR)\lib
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f src\liblas_i.lib $(OSGEO4W_DIR)\devel\lib
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f src\liblas.lib $(BINDIR)\lib
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f src\liblas.lib $(OSGEO4W_DIR)\devel\lib
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f src\Version.rc $(BINDIR)\include\liblas
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f src\Version.rc $(OSGEO4W_DIR)\devel\include\liblas
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f /s include\liblas $(BINDIR)\include\liblas
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f /s include\liblas $(OSGEO4W_DIR)\devel\include\liblas
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f /s python\liblas\*.py $(OSGEO4W_DIR)\apps\python25\lib\site-packages\liblas
-package: install
-    cd $(LAS_HOME)/osgeo4w/lib
-    C:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe cvf ../../packages/liblas-$(PACKAGE_VERSION).tar *
-    c:\cygwin\bin\bzip2.exe -f /cygdrive/c/cvs/liblas/trunk/packages/liblas-$(PACKAGE_VERSION).tar
-    cd $(LAS_HOME)/osgeo4w/
-    C:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe cvf ../packages/liblas-python-$(PACKAGE_VERSION).tar apps
-    c:\cygwin\bin\bzip2.exe -f /cygdrive/c/cvs/liblas/trunk/packages/liblas-python-$(PACKAGE_VERSION).tar
-    cd $(LAS_HOME)/osgeo4w/devel
-    C:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe cvf ../../packages/liblas-devel-$(PACKAGE_VERSION).tar *
-    c:\cygwin\bin\bzip2.exe -f /cygdrive/c/cvs/liblas/trunk/packages/liblas-devel-$(PACKAGE_VERSION).tar
-    cd $(LAS_HOME)/osgeo4w/
-    cd $(LAS_HOME)/
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f /s c:\osgeo4w\bin\geotiff.dll $(BINDIR)
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f /s c:\osgeo4w\bin\libtiff.dll $(BINDIR)
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f /s c:\osgeo4w\bin\jpeg_osgeo.dll $(BINDIR)
-    xcopy /y /r /d /f /s c:\osgeo4w\bin\zlib_osgeo.dll $(BINDIR)
-    c:\cygwin\bin\zip.exe -r packages/liblas-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)-win32.zip bin
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r f787b5fa07f7 -r 2456f9f073e6 nmake.opt
--- a/nmake.opt	Wed Mar 17 20:13:00 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# nmake.opt - main configuration file for NMAKE makefiles
-!MESSAGE *** libLAS Build Configuration ***
-!INCLUDE <ntwin32.mak>
-# For convenience, user may put custom settings to private mynmake.opt
-# and use EXT_NMAKE_OPT option while calling nmake.exe, as follows:
-# nmake -f makefile.vc EXT_NMAKE_OPT=mynmake.opt
-# libLAS package settings
-LAS_LIB = liblas.lib
-LAS_DLL = liblas1.dll
-LAS_LIB_DLL = liblas_i.lib
-# only used for filenames of packages
-# Set BUILD_DEBUG balue to YES if you want to make debug build
-# and to prepare not optimized binaries.
-# libLAS include directories
-INCLUDES = -I$(LAS_ROOT)/include -I$(LAS_ROOT)/include/liblas/capi
-!MESSAGE *** Setting libLAS INCLUDE to -I$(LAS_ROOT)/include -I$(LAS_ROOT)/include/liblas/capi
-# GeoTIFF Support
-# Uncomment the folling line to build GeoTIFF support for reading and
-# writing LAS files with Coordinate Systems information.  
-# comment out GEOTIFF_HOME if you are building against a GDAL source tree
-!MESSAGE *** GeoTIFF support enabled
-GEOTIFF_LIB = $(GEOTIFF_HOME)\lib\geotiff_i.lib
-!MESSAGE *** Support of GeoTIFF has been disabled (GEOTIFF_HOME not set)
-# GDAL/OGR Support
-# Uncomment the following line to build OGR support for the las2ogr command
-# and WKT SRS support
-!IF "$(GDAL_HOME)" != "" && EXIST("$(GDAL_HOME)")
-!MESSAGE *** GDAL/OGR support enabled
-GDAL_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\gdal_i.lib
-GDAL_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\gdal_i.lib
-GDAL_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\port -I$(GDAL_HOME)\frmts\gtiff\libgeotiff -I$(GDAL_HOME)\frmts\gtiff\libtiff -I$(GDAL_HOME)\ogr  -I$(GDAL_HOME)\gcore
-GEOTIFF_INCLUDE = -I$(GEOTIFF_HOME)\frmts\gtiff\libgeotiff
-!MESSAGE *** Support of GDAL/OGR has been disabled (GDAL_HOME not set)
-# Spatial Indexing Support
-!MESSAGE *** Spatial indexing support enabled
-!MESSAGE *** Support of GDAL/OGR has been disabled (GDAL_HOME not set)
-# Distribution directories
-OSGEO4W_DIR = $(LAS_HOME)\osgeo4w
-PYDLL_DIR = $(LAS_HOME)\python
-# Derive version of Visual C++ being used from NMAKE if not specified
-# If we should expect variety of NMAKE build versions, tests below may fail
-# and we will need to fall back to setting MSVCVER as command line parameter.
-!IF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == ""
-MSVCVER = 4.0
-!ERROR *** Failed to determine version of Visual C++
-!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "162"
-MSVCVER = 5.0
-!ERROR *** Detected Visual C++ 5.0 - NOT SUPPORTED
-!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "6.00.8168.0"
-MSVCVER = 6.0
-!ERROR *** Detected Visual C++ 6.0 - NOT SUPPORTED
-!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "7.00.9466"
-MSVCVER = 7.0
-!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "7.10.3077"
-MSVCVER = 7.1
-!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "8.00.50727.42"
-MSVCVER = 8.0
-!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "8.00.50727.762"
-MSVCVER = 8.0
-!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "9.00.21022.08"
-MSVCVER = 9.0
-!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "9.00.30729.01"
-MSVCVER = 9.0
-MSVCVER = 0.0
-!IF "$(MSVCVER)" == "0.0"
-!MESSAGE *** Cannot determined Visual C++ version
-!ERROR *** Aborting make job
-!MESSAGE *** Using Microsoft NMAKE version $(_NMAKE_VER)
-!MESSAGE *** Using Microsoft Visual C++ version $(MSVCVER)
-# Compilation flags for Release and Debug modes
-!IF "$(BUILD_DEBUG)" == "YES"
-LAS_LIB = liblas_d.lib
-LAS_DLL = liblas_d1.dll
-LAS_LIB_DLL = libl1as_i.lib
-# You may need to remove /GR if you are statically linking libLAS
-LAS_LIB = liblas.lib
-LAS_DLL = liblas1.dll
-LAS_LIB_DLL = liblas_i.lib
-# Check if multiple process build available
-!IF "$(MSVCVER)" == "9.0"
-!MESSAGE *** Using /MP flag with number of effective processors

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