[Liblas-commits] hg: 6 new changesets

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Sun May 2 17:38:39 EDT 2010

changeset fb2d9a583581 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=fb2d9a583581
summary: CachedReaderImpl skeleton

changeset 68840885894e in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=68840885894e
summary: force a size for the m_extra_data vector upon instantiation

changeset 691315403139 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=691315403139
summary: more doc work

changeset 48167107a576 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=48167107a576
summary: more doc work

changeset 6e7eadcaff31 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=6e7eadcaff31
summary: workable but ugly cached reader implementation for ReadNextPoint

changeset b419bf9d7c0d in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=b419bf9d7c0d
summary: refactor caching into its own method


 CMakeLists.txt                          |    2 +-
 README                                  |  232 ----------------------
 doc/index.txt                           |  325 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 doc/utilities/index.txt                 |    2 +-
 include/liblas/detail/reader/reader.hpp |   38 +++-
 src/detail/reader/reader.cpp            |  229 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/laspoint.cpp                        |    1 +
 7 files changed, 575 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 927 to 300 lines):

diff -r 4c7a8a986f66 -r b419bf9d7c0d CMakeLists.txt
--- a/CMakeLists.txt	Mon Apr 12 13:56:09 2010 -0500
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt	Sun May 02 16:38:10 2010 -0500
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 # Output directory in which to build ARCHIVE target files.
+file(READ "doc/index.txt" README )
 file(WRITE "README.txt" "${README}")
diff -r 4c7a8a986f66 -r b419bf9d7c0d README
--- a/README	Mon Apr 12 13:56:09 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-libLAS - LAS 1.0/1.1/1.2 ASPRS LiDAR data translation toolset
-libLAS is a C/C++ library for reading and writing ASPRS LAS versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 
-data.  The LAS format is a sequential binary format used to store data from sensors 
-and as intermediate processing storage by some `LiDAR`_-related applications.  
-libLAS is available under the terms of the `BSD License`_. It builds on work 
-by `Martin Isenburg and Jonathan Shewchuk`_ of LLNL/UC Berkeley in their `LAStools`_
-project by replacing the base C++ library 
-with new development and porting Martin's tools this new code.
-libLAS' initial development was supported by the `IGSB`_ of the Iowa DNR 
-for use in its state-wide `LIDAR`_ project.
-.. image:: http://2010.foss4g.org/images/logo_125x125.jpg
-   :height: 125px
-   :width: 125px
-   :alt: FOSS4G 2010 in Barcelona, Spain
-   :align: right
-   :target: http://2010.foss4g.org/
-The 1.2.1 version of libLAS can be downloaded from http://liblas.org/wiki/1.2.1
-Older releases may be obtained from http://liblas.org/wiki/Releases
-Windows binaries of libLAS are provided in two forms.  The easiest form is 
-to obtain `OSGeo4W`_ and select the libLAS package to install.  Alternatively, 
-you can download a Windows package with full spatial reference support from 
-the release page.  GDAL support is only provided with the `OSGeo4W`_ package, however.
-Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris binaries are not provided.  The source code 
-uses the standard GNU autotools/automake stack for compilation and installation.
-`LAStools`_ / libLAS Command-line Utilities
-* `lasinfo`_
-* `lasmerge`_
-* `las2las`_
-* `las2txt`_
-* `txt2las`_
-* `las2ogr`_
-Software Development with libLAS
-* `FOSS4G 2008`_ presentation that provides a basic overview of the design and philosophy of libLAS
-* `ASPRS Workshop Demo`_ by Jason Woolard of NOAA describing how to use libLAS with Python
-* `Tutorials`_ - tutorials on using libLAS from C++, Python and .NET/Mono languages
-* `LAS C API`_- doxygen docs that describe the libLAS C API
-* `dotnetLibLAS API`_ - docs for the .NET API
-* `LAS Doxygen Docs`_ - doxygen docs of the entire C/C++ API
-* `LAS Format Elements`_ - comparison of elements of LAS Format 1.0 and 1.1  
-* `Software`_ - a list of geospatial software with reading and writing capabilities of LAS Format
-* `Resources`_ - a list of general LiDAR/LAS resources
-LAS Format Specifications
-The LAS Format Standard is maintained by `ASPRS Standards Committee`_. LAS 
-format standard documents are available in PDF format:
-* `LAS 1.2 Format Standard`_ (2008-09-02)
-* `LAS 1.1 Format Standard`_ (2005-05-07)
-* `LAS 1.0 Format Standard`_ (2003-05-09)
-* `LAS permutation matrix`_
-Installing liblas Python bindings using setuptools
-A quick `Python howto`_ for installing Python bindings and the Win32 liblas package
-libLAS is available under the terms of the `BSD License`_. 
-See `License`_ for a copy.
-The FAQ is available from http://liblas.org/wiki/FAQ
-Features of libLAS
-Open Source
-libLAS is open source software.  You can embed it in your own applications 
-(and even resell it) as long as you follow the crediting restriction of the BSD 
-license.  See `License`_ for more detail. 
-Multiple APIs
-libLAS has C, C++, .NET, and Python APIs.   
-Spatial Reference System Support
-Linked against a 1.2.5+ version of `libgeotiff`_, you can set and get the spatial reference 
-systems of LAS files using simple `proj.4`_ coordinate system definitions.  
-Alternatively, with libLAS 1.2, you can link against `GDAL`_ to be able to 
-manipulate spatial references using WKT.  The current development version of 
-libLAS can be used in combination with `GDAL`_ 1.7 to support `vertical coordinate systems`_ 
-as well.
-Simple Variable Length Record Abstraction
-libLAS provides a sensible abstraction for working with variable length records (VLR) 
-in LAS files, and it transparently manages the VLRs related to spatial referencing 
-systems for you.  
-Command-line Utilities
-libLAS provides ports of the `LAStools`_ utilities by Martin Isenburg for doing 
-things like translating from one version of the LAS format to another, inspecting 
-header information, and translating LAS data to and from text.
-Cross-platform operation
-libLAS is known to work on all editions of Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1+ (Windows) and 
-GCC 4.1+ (Mac OS X and Linux) platforms on both big- and little-endian architectures.
-The libLAS development team are:
- * `Howard Butler`_
- * `Mateusz Loskot`_
- * `Phil Vachon`_
- * Martin Vales
- * `Frank Warmerdam`_
-Special thanks to `Martin Isenburg and Jonathan Shewchuk`_ for their
-`LAStools`_ pioneering implementation of the ASPRS LAS standard that made 
-development of the libLAS library possible.
-Mercurial Repository Tree
-The Mercurial repository for libLAS is located at http://hg.liblas.org/main
-You can obtain a copy of the active source code by issuing the following::
-    hg clone http://hg.liblas.org/main
-Information about Trac
-* `Trac <http://trac.edgewall.org/>`_ Open Source Project
-* `TracGuide <http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracGuide>`_ - Built-in Documentation
-* `TracFaq <http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracFaq>`_ - Frequently Asked Questions
-* `TracSupport <http://liblas.org/wiki/TracSupport>`_ - Trac Support
-* `reStructuredText Support in Trac <http://bitten.edgewall.org/wiki/WikiRestructuredText>`_
-Find the libLAS developers on IRC on #liblas at `Freenode`_.
-Mailing Lists
-* liblas-devel - http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/liblas-devel
-* liblas-commits - http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/liblas-commits
-.. _`LIDAR`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIDAR
-.. _`IGSB`: http://www.igsb.uiowa.edu/
-.. _`Martin Isenburg`: http://www.cs.unc.edu/~isenburg/
-.. _`LAStools`: http://www.cs.unc.edu/~isenburg/lastools/
-.. _`Martin Isenburg and Jonathan Shewchuk`: http://www.cs.unc.edu/~isenburg/lastools/
-.. _`LAS Format`: http://www.lasformat.org/
-.. _`LAS 1.2 Format Standard`: http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/asprs_las_format_v12.pdf
-.. _`LAS 1.1 Format Standard`: http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/asprs_las_format_v11.pdf
-.. _`LAS 1.0 Format Standard`: http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/asprs_las_format_v10.pdf
-.. _`LAS permutation matrix`: http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/LAS-1.0-1.3-feature-matrix.pdf
-.. _`ASPRS Standards Committee`: http://www.asprs.org/society/committees/standards/lidar_exchange_format.html
-.. _`Howard Butler`: http://hobu.biz
-.. _`Mateusz Loskot`: http://mateusz.loskot.net
-.. _`Phil Vachon`: http://www.geoscan.info
-.. _`Frank Warmerdam`: http://home.gdal.org/warmerda/
-.. _`BSD license`: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
-.. _`LAS Format Elements`: http://liblas.org/wiki/LASElements
-.. _`Tutorials`: http://liblas.org/wiki/Tutorial
-.. _`Software`: http://liblas.org/wiki/Software
-.. _`Resources`: http://liblas.org/wiki/Resources
-.. _`License`: http://liblas.org/wiki/License
-.. _`las2las`: http://liblas.org/browser/doc/las2las.txt
-.. _`las2txt`: http://liblas.org/browser/doc/las2txt.txt
-.. _`lasinfo`: http://liblas.org/browser/doc/lasinfo.txt
-.. _`lasmerge`: http://liblas.org/browser/doc/lasmerge.txt
-.. _`txt2las`: http://liblas.org/browser/doc/txt2las.txt
-.. _`las2ogr`: http://liblas.org/browser/doc/las2ogr.txt
-.. _`Freenode`: http://freenode.net
-.. _`Library Design`: http://liblas.org/wiki/LibraryDesign
-.. _`FOSS4G 2008`: http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/liblas_foss4g_2008.pdf
-.. _`LAS C API`: http://liblas.org/doxygen/liblas_8h.html
-.. _`LAS Doxygen Docs`: http://liblas.org/doxygen/
-.. _`How To Release libLAS`: http://liblas.org/wiki/HowToRelease
-.. _`libgeotiff`: http://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/geotiff.html
-.. _`7/28/2008`: http://lists.maptools.org/pipermail/geotiff/2008-July/000501.html
-.. _`proj.4`: http://proj.maptools.org/
-.. _`GDAL`: http://www.gdal.org
-.. _`OSGeo4W`: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Win32_Installer
-.. _`dotnetLibLAS API`: http://liblas.org/wiki/dotnetapi
-.. _`FOSS4G 2008`: http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/liblas_foss4g_2008.pdf
-.. _`ASPRS Workshop Demo`: http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/ASPRS-Workshop-NOAA-Demo.pdf
-.. _`vertical coordinate systems`: http://liblas.org/wiki/VerticalCS
-.. _`Python howto`: http://liblas.org/wiki/PythonHowTo
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 4c7a8a986f66 -r b419bf9d7c0d doc/index.txt
--- a/doc/index.txt	Mon Apr 12 13:56:09 2010 -0500
+++ b/doc/index.txt	Sun May 02 16:38:10 2010 -0500
@@ -1,14 +1,311 @@
-Some text goes here
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 1
-   utilities/index
-   python/index
-   base/index
-* :ref:`genindex`
-* :ref:`modindex`
-* :ref:`search`
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   utilities/index
+   python/index
+   base/index
+libLAS - LAS 1.0/1.1/1.2 ASPRS LiDAR data translation toolset
+libLAS is a C/C++ library for reading and writing the very common `LAS`
+`LiDAR`_ format. The `ASPRS LAS format`_ is a sequential binary format used to
+store data from LiDAR sensors and by LiDAR processing software for data
+interchange and archival.
+.. image:: http://2010.foss4g.org/images/logo_125x125.jpg
+   :height: 125px
+   :width: 125px
+   :alt: FOSS4G 2010 in Barcelona, Spain

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