[Liblas-commits] hg: 2 new changesets

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Thu Nov 18 12:35:40 EST 2010

changeset 137208488bb0 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=137208488bb0
summary: updates.  Demonstrate --color-source and friends

changeset bede54b045bc in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=bede54b045bc
summary: regularize command-line arguments to be dash (-) separated instead of underscore (_) separated -- a few remain, however to keep the same spelling as GDAL


 apps/laskernel.cpp        |  18 +++++-----
 doc/utilities/las2las.txt |  84 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diffs (188 lines):

diff -r 40ce9d65ecce -r bede54b045bc apps/laskernel.cpp
--- a/apps/laskernel.cpp	Thu Nov 18 11:16:00 2010 -0600
+++ b/apps/laskernel.cpp	Thu Nov 18 11:35:32 2010 -0600
@@ -262,8 +262,8 @@
     ("maxy", po::value< double >(), "Extent must be less than or equal to maxy to be kept. \n --maxy 5678.0")
     ("maxz", po::value< double >(), "Extent must be less than or equal to maxz to be kept. If maxx and maxy are set but not maxz *and minz, all z values are kept. \n --maxz 10.0")
     ("thin,t", po::value<boost::uint32_t>()->default_value(0), "Simple decimation-style thinning.\nThin the file by removing every t'th point from the file.")
-    ("last_return_only", po::value<bool>()->zero_tokens(), "Keep last returns (cannot be used with --first_return_only)")
-    ("first_return_only", po::value<bool>()->zero_tokens(), "Keep first returns (cannot be used with --last_return_only")
+    ("last-return-only", po::value<bool>()->zero_tokens(), "Keep last returns (cannot be used with --first-return-only)")
+    ("first-return-only", po::value<bool>()->zero_tokens(), "Keep first returns (cannot be used with --last-return-only")
     ("keep-returns", po::value< std::vector<boost::uint16_t> >()->multitoken(), "A list of return numbers to keep in the output file: \n--keep-returns 1 2 3")
     ("drop-returns", po::value< std::vector<boost::uint16_t> >()->multitoken(), "Return numbers to drop.\nFor example, --drop-returns 2 3 4 5")
     ("valid_only", po::value<bool>()->zero_tokens(), "Keep only valid points")
@@ -314,8 +314,8 @@
         ("add-schema", po::value<bool>()->zero_tokens(), "Add the liblas.org schema VLR record to the file.")
         ("delete-vlr", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >()->multitoken(), "Removes VLRs with the given name and id combination. --delete-vlr LASF_Projection 34737")
         ("add-vlr", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >()->multitoken(), "Add VLRs with the given name and id combination. --add-vlr hobu 1234 \"Description of the VLR\" \"filename.ext\"")
-        ("system-identifier", po::value<std::string>(), "Set the SystemID for the file. --system_identifier \"MODIFICATION\"")
-        ("generating-software", po::value<std::string>(), "Set the SoftwareID for the file. --generating_software \"liblas.org\"")
+        ("system-identifier", po::value<std::string>(), "Set the SystemID for the file. --system-identifier \"MODIFICATION\"")
+        ("generating-software", po::value<std::string>(), "Set the SoftwareID for the file. --generating-software \"liblas.org\"")
     return transform_options;
@@ -737,13 +737,13 @@
-    if (vm.count("first_return_only") && vm.count("last_return_only")) {
-        throw std::runtime_error( "--first_return_only and --last_return_only cannot "
+    if (vm.count("first-return-only") && vm.count("last-return-only")) {
+        throw std::runtime_error( "--first-return-only and --last-return-only cannot "
                      "be used simultaneously.  Use --keep-returns 1 in "
-                     "combination with --last_return_only");
+                     "combination with --last-return-only");
-    if (vm.count("last_return_only")) {
+    if (vm.count("last-return-only")) {
         if (verbose)
             std::cout << "Keeping last returns only."  << std::endl;
         std::vector<boost::uint16_t> returns;
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@
-    if (vm.count("first_return_only")){
+    if (vm.count("first-return-only")){
         if (verbose)
             std::cout << "Keeping first returns only."  << std::endl;
         std::vector<boost::uint16_t> returns;
diff -r 40ce9d65ecce -r bede54b045bc doc/utilities/las2las.txt
--- a/doc/utilities/las2las.txt	Thu Nov 18 11:16:00 2010 -0600
+++ b/doc/utilities/las2las.txt	Thu Nov 18 11:35:32 2010 -0600
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
-  $ las2las --input in.las --output out.las --last_return_only
+  $ las2las --input in.las --output out.las --last-return-only
 extracts all last return points from in.las and stores them to out.las.
@@ -244,6 +244,40 @@
 removes all VLRs from in.las when writing the new output.las file.   
+Adding color from an image
+It is possible to use las2las to set RGB color information from an 
+image and set it on the points.  This requires a rewrite of the file and 
+in some cases will require changing both the format and point-format of the 
+The following example takes the ``input.las`` file, sets its format to ``1.2``, 
+and sets the point format to ``3`` so it can store color information.  It 
+also re-orders the color bands to have the 3rd band in the image be red, 1st 
+band be green, and second band be blue.  Additionally, the color values are 
+then multiplied by the --color-source-scale factor or 257 to rescale the 
+8bit image data to 16bit color data.
+    las2las -i input.las \
+            --color-source image.img \
+            -o output.las \
+            --format 1.2 \
+            --point-format 3 \
+            --color-source-scale 257 \
+            --color-source-bands 3 1 2
+.. note::
+    If the coordinate system of ``image.img`` is not the same as the input 
+    coordinate system of the LAS file, you should use GDAL VRTs to cause the 
+    image to be warped and reprojected as part of the read process.  See 
+    http://www.gdal.org/gdal_vrttut.html for more detail.
+.. warning::
+    `GDAL`_ support must be enabled for this to work.
 Help listing
@@ -280,10 +314,14 @@
                                 *cannot* be negative, and should always be a 
                                 negative power of 10 
                                 --scale 0.1 0.1 0.00001
-      -f [ --format ] arg       Set the LAS format of the new file (only 1.0-1.2 
+      -f [ --file-format ] arg  Set the LAS format of the new file (only 1.0-1.2 
                                 supported at this time): 
-                                --format 1.2
+                                --file-format 1.2
                                 -f 1.1
+      --point-format arg        Set the LAS point format of the new file (0, 1, 2, 
+                                3): 
+                                --point-format 3
       --pad-header arg          Add extra bytes to the existing header
       --min-offset              Set the offset of the header to the minimums of all
                                 values in the file.  Note that this requires 
@@ -297,19 +335,31 @@
       --add-vlr arg             Add VLRs with the given name and id combination. 
                                 --add-vlr hobu 1234 "Description of the VLR" 
-      --system-identifier arg   Set the SystemID for the file. --system_identifier 
+      --system-identifier arg   Set the SystemID for the file. --system-identifier 
       --generating-software arg Set the SoftwareID for the file. 
-                                --generating_software "liblas.org"
-      --point-translate arg     An expression to translate the X, Y, Z values of 
-                                the point. For example, converting Z units that are
-                                in meters to feet: --point-translate "x*1.0 y*1.0 
-                                z*3.2808399"
+                                --generating-software "liblas.org"
     Transformation options:
-      --t_srs arg           Coordinate system to reproject output LAS file to.  Use
-                            --a_srs or verify that your input LAS file has a 
-                            coordinate system according to lasinfo
+      --t_srs arg              Coordinate system to reproject output LAS file to.  
+                               Use --a_srs or verify that your input LAS file has a
+                               coordinate system according to lasinfo
+      --point-translate arg    An expression to translate the X, Y, Z values of the
+                               point. For example, converting Z units that are in 
+                               meters to feet: --point-translate "x*1.0 y*1.0 
+                               z*3.2808399"
+      --color-source arg       A string to a GDAL-openable raster data source.  Use
+                               GDAL VRTs if you want to adjust the data source or 
+                               set its coordinate system, etc. 
+                               --color-source "afile.tif" 
+      --color-source-bands arg A list of three bands from the --color-source to 
+                               assign to the R, G, B  values for the point 
+                               --color-source-bands 1 2 3
+      --color-source-scale arg A number used by --color-source to scale the input 
+                               R, G, B  values for the point.  For example, to 
+                               scale the 8 bit color data from an input raster to 
+                               16 bit, the 8 bit data should be multiplied by 257. 
+                               --color-source-scale 256
     Filtering options:
       -e [ --extent ] arg    Extent window that points must fall within to keep.
@@ -340,10 +390,10 @@
       -t [ --thin ] arg (=0) Simple decimation-style thinning.
                              Thin the file by removing every t'th point from the 
-      --last_return_only     Keep last returns (cannot be used with 
-                             --first_return_only)
-      --first_return_only    Keep first returns (cannot be used with 
-                             --last_return_only
+      --last-return-only     Keep last returns (cannot be used with 
+                             --first-return-only)
+      --first-return-only    Keep first returns (cannot be used with 
+                             --last-return-only
       --keep-returns arg     A list of return numbers to keep in the output file: 
                              --keep-returns 1 2 3
       --drop-returns arg     Return numbers to drop.
@@ -398,6 +448,8 @@
 .. _`GDAL`: http://www.gdal.org
 .. _`LAStools`: http://www.cs.unc.edu/~isenburg/lastools/
\ No newline at end of file

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