[Liblas-commits] hg: update example to reflect current xsd

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Tue Nov 23 12:47:39 EST 2010

changeset f9354b8c9948 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=f9354b8c9948
summary: update example to reflect current xsd


 schemas/LAS.xsd |    2 +-
 schemas/las.xml |  247 ++++---------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 230 deletions(-)

diffs (265 lines):

diff -r df74ea861314 -r f9354b8c9948 schemas/LAS.xsd
--- a/schemas/LAS.xsd	Tue Nov 23 08:43:05 2010 -0600
+++ b/schemas/LAS.xsd	Tue Nov 23 11:46:54 2010 -0600
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
-            <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="offset" type="xs:double"/>
+            <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="offset" type="xs:double">
                         The double offset to use when applying a scaling 
diff -r df74ea861314 -r f9354b8c9948 schemas/las.xml
--- a/schemas/las.xml	Tue Nov 23 08:43:05 2010 -0600
+++ b/schemas/las.xml	Tue Nov 23 11:46:54 2010 -0600
@@ -1,230 +1,19 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<ns1:LASSchema xmlns:ns1="http://liblas.org/schemas/LAS/example" 
-                xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
-                xsi:schemaLocation="http://liblas.org/schemas/LAS-example.dtd">
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>X</name>
-        <description>
-            x coordinate as a long integer.  You must use the scale and 
-            offset information of the header to determine the double value.
-        </description>
-        <position>0</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>4</size>
-        <units>byte</units>
-        <interpretation>uint32_t</interpretation>
-        <minimum ns1:units="double" ns1:value="-131600417.982"/>
-        <maximum ns1:units="double" ns1:value="404506682.749"/>
-    </ns1:dimension>
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>Y</name>
-        <description>
-            y coordinate as a long integer.  You must use the scale and 
-            offset information of the header to determine the double value.
-        </description>
-        <position>1</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>4</size>
-        <units>byte</units>
-        <interpretation>uint32_t</interpretation>
-        <minimum ns1:units="double" ns1:value="-586874.0"/>
-        <maximum ns1:units="double" ns1:value="123456789101112.9876"/>
-    </ns1:dimension>
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>Z</name>
-        <description>
-            z coordinate as a long integer.  You must use the scale and 
-            offset information of the header to determine the double value.
-        </description>
-        <position>2</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>4</size>
-        <units>byte</units>
-        <interpretation>uint32_t</interpretation>
-        <minimum ns1:units="double" ns1:value="0.00"/>
-        <maximum ns1:units="double" ns1:value="2512.26"/>
-    </ns1:dimension>
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>Intensity</name>
-        <description>
-            The intensity value is the integer representation of the pulse 
-            return magnitude. This value is optional and system specific. 
-            However, it should always be included if available.
-        </description>
-        <position>3</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>2</size>
-        <units>byte</units>
-        <interpretation>uint16_t</interpretation>
-        <minimum ns1:units="uint16_t" ns1:value="0"/>
-        <maximum ns1:units="uint16_t" ns1:value="14224"/>
-    </ns1:dimension>
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>Return number</name>
-        <description>
-            Return Number: The Return Number is the pulse return number for 
-            a given output pulse. A given output laser pulse can have many 
-            returns, and they must be marked in sequence of return. The first 
-            return will have a Return Number of one, the second a Return 
-            Number of two, and so on up to five returns.
-        </description>
-        <position>4</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>3</size>
-        <units>bit</units>
-        <interpretation>unknown</interpretation>
-        <minimum ns1:units="uint16_t" ns1:value="0"/>
-        <maximum ns1:units="uint16_t" ns1:value="5"/>
-    </ns1:dimension>
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>Number of Returns</name>
-        <description>
-            Number of Returns (for this emitted pulse): The Number of Returns 
-            is the total number of returns for a given pulse. For example, 
-            a laser data point may be return two (Return Number) within a 
-            total number of five returns.
-        </description>
-        <position>5</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>3</size>
-        <units>bit</units>
-        <interpretation>unknown</interpretation>
-        <minimum ns1:units="uint16_t" ns1:value="0"/>
-        <maximum ns1:units="uint16_t" ns1:value="5"/>
-    </ns1:dimension>
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>Scan direction</name>
-        <description>
-            The Scan Direction Flag denotes the direction at which the 
-            scanner mirror was traveling at the time of the output pulse. 
-            A bit value of 1 is a positive scan direction, and a bit value 
-            of 0 is a negative scan direction (where positive scan direction 
-            is a scan moving from the left side of the in-track direction to 
-            the right side and negative the opposite).            
-        </description>
-        <position>6</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>1</size>
-        <units>bit</units>
-        <interpretation>unknown</interpretation>
-        <minimum ns1:units="uint8_t" ns1:value="0"/>
-        <maximum ns1:units="uint8_t" ns1:value="1"/>
-    </ns1:dimension>    
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>Flight Line Edge</name>
-        <description>
-            The Edge of Flight Line data bit has a value of 1 only when 
-            the point is at the end of a scan. It is the last point on 
-            a given scan line before it changes direction.
-        </description>
-        <position>7</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>1</size>
-        <units>bit</units>
-        <interpretation>unknown</interpretation>
-        <minimum ns1:units="int8_t" ns1:value="0"/>
-        <maximum ns1:units="int8_t" ns1:value="1"/>
-    </ns1:dimension>    
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>Classification</name>
-        <description>
-            Classification in LAS 1.0 was essentially user defined and optional. 
-            LAS 1.1 defines a standard set of ASPRS classifications. In addition, 
-            the field is now mandatory. If a point has never been classified, this 
-            byte must be set to zero. There are no user defined classes since 
-            both point format 0 and point format 1 supply 8 bits per point for 
-            user defined operations. Note that the format for classification is a 
-            bit encoded field with the lower five bits used for class and the 
-            three high bits used for flags. The bit definitions are:
-        </description>
-        <position>8</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>1</size>
-        <units>byte</units>
-        <interpretation>uint8_t</interpretation>
-        <minimum/>
-        <maximum/>
-    </ns1:dimension>    
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>Scan Angle</name>
-        <description>
-            The Scan Angle Rank is a signed one-byte number with a 
-            valid range from -90 to +90. The Scan Angle Rank is the 
-            angle (rounded to the nearest integer in the absolute 
-            value sense) at which the laser point was output from the 
-            laser system including the roll of the aircraft. The scan 
-            angle is within 1 degree of accuracy from +90 to –90 degrees. 
-            The scan angle is an angle based on 0 degrees being nadir, 
-            and –90 degrees to the left side of the aircraft in the 
-            direction of flight.
-        </description>
-        <position>9</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>1</size>
-        <units>byte</units>
-        <interpretation>uint8_t</interpretation>
-        <minimum ns1:units="int8_t" ns1:value="-90"/>
-        <maximum ns1:units="int8_t" ns1:value="90"/>
-    </ns1:dimension>
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>User data</name>
-        <description>
-            This field may be used at the user’s discretion.            
-        </description>
-        <position>10</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>1</size>
-        <units>byte</units>
-        <interpretation>uint8_t</interpretation>
-        <minimum/>
-        <maximum/>
-    </ns1:dimension>
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>Point Source ID </name>
-        <description>
-            This value indicates the file from which this point originated. 
-            Valid values for this field are 1 to 65,535 inclusive with zero 
-            being used for a special case discussed below. The numerical value 
-            corresponds to the File Source ID from which this point originated. 
-            Zero is reserved as a convenience to system implementers. A Point 
-            Source ID of zero implies that this point originated in this file. 
-            This implies that processing software should set the Point Source 
-            ID equal to the File Source ID of the file containing this point 
-            at some time during processing.       
-        </description>
-        <position>11</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>2</size>
-        <units>byte</units>
-        <interpretation>uint16_t</interpretation>
-        <minimum/>
-        <maximum/>
-    </ns1:dimension>
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>Tangential curvature</name>
-        <description>
-            Second-order derivative of an interpolated DEM (elevation) surface
-            at this point.        
-        </description>
-        <position>12</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>8</size>
-        <units>byte</units>
-        <interpretation>double</interpretation>
-        <minimum/>
-        <maximum/>
-    </ns1:dimension>
-    <ns1:dimension>
-        <name>Profile curvature</name>
-        <description>
-            Second-order derivative of an interpolated DEM (elevation) surface
-            at this point.        
-        </description>
-        <position>12</position>
-        <active>1</active>
-        <size>8</size>
-        <units>byte</units>
-        <interpretation>double</interpretation>
-        <minimum/>
-        <maximum/>
+<las:LASSchema xmlns:las="http://liblas.org/schemas/LAS/1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://liblas.org/schemas/LAS/1.0 ">
+  <las:dimension>
+    <las:position>0</las:position>
+    <las:size>0</las:size>
+    <las:required>true</las:required>
+    <las:name3>las:name</las:name>
+    <las:description>las:description</las:description>
+    <las:active>true</las:active>
+    <las:units>byte</las:units>
+    <las:interpretation>int8_t</las:interpretation>
+    <las:minimum units="int8_t" value="0.0"/>
+    <las:maximum units="int8_t" value="0.0"/>
+    <las:offset>0.0</las:offset>
+    <las:scale>0.0</las:scale>
+    <las:byteOffset>0</las:byteOffset>
+    <las:bitOffset>0</las:bitOffset>
+  </las:dimension>
\ No newline at end of file

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