[Liblas-commits] hg: 5 new changesets

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Tue Sep 7 14:11:41 EDT 2010

changeset 9b54ccd31c07 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=9b54ccd31c07
summary: turn off Schema stuff for now

changeset 0b8f5380f318 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=0b8f5380f318
summary: turn off Schema stuff for now

changeset f566e14dcbc8 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=f566e14dcbc8
summary: rename m_format to m_schema

changeset ecdf552141f9 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=ecdf552141f9
summary: move version stuff to lasversion

changeset 4a99ae8918cf in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=4a99ae8918cf
summary: start on operator<<


 include/liblas/lasheader.hpp  |    2 +-
 include/liblas/lasschema.hpp  |    3 +
 include/liblas/lasversion.hpp |   54 ++++++++++++++++++
 include/liblas/liblas.hpp     |   51 -----------------
 python/liblas/core.py         |  120 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 python/liblas/header.py       |    6 +-
 src/lasheader.cpp             |   32 +++++-----
 src/lasschema.cpp             |   49 ++++++++++++++++-
 8 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 502 to 300 lines):

diff -r 0b11d9405ad8 -r 4a99ae8918cf include/liblas/lasheader.hpp
--- a/include/liblas/lasheader.hpp	Tue Sep 07 11:11:28 2010 -0500
+++ b/include/liblas/lasheader.hpp	Tue Sep 07 13:11:28 2010 -0500
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
     Bounds<double> m_extent;
     std::vector<VariableRecord> m_vlrs;
     SpatialReference m_srs;
-    Schema m_format;
+    Schema m_schema;
 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, liblas::Header const&);
diff -r 0b11d9405ad8 -r 4a99ae8918cf include/liblas/lasschema.hpp
--- a/include/liblas/lasschema.hpp	Tue Sep 07 11:11:28 2010 -0500
+++ b/include/liblas/lasschema.hpp	Tue Sep 07 13:11:28 2010 -0500
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 #include <liblas/lasversion.hpp>
 #include <liblas/external/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
 #include <liblas/lasvariablerecord.hpp>
+#include <liblas/lasversion.hpp>
 // boost
 #include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
 #include <boost/any.hpp>
@@ -212,6 +213,8 @@
     boost::uint32_t m_position;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, liblas::Schema const&);
 } // namespace liblas
diff -r 0b11d9405ad8 -r 4a99ae8918cf include/liblas/lasversion.hpp
--- a/include/liblas/lasversion.hpp	Tue Sep 07 11:11:28 2010 -0500
+++ b/include/liblas/lasversion.hpp	Tue Sep 07 13:11:28 2010 -0500
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
+#include <liblas/capi/las_version.h>
+#include <liblas/lasspatialreference.hpp>
 namespace liblas {
 /// Version numbers of the ASPRS LAS Specification.
@@ -85,6 +88,57 @@
     ePointSize3 = 34  ///< Size of point record in data format \e 3
+/// Check if GDAL support has been built in to libLAS.
+inline bool IsGDALEnabled()
+#ifdef HAVE_GDAL
+    return true;
+    return false;
+/// Check if GeoTIFF support has been built in to libLAS.
+inline bool IsLibGeoTIFFEnabled()
+    return true;
+    return false;
+/// Tell the user a bit about libLAS' compilation
+inline std::string  GetFullVersion(void) {
+    std::ostringstream os;
+    os << " GeoTIFF "
+       << (LIBGEOTIFF_VERSION / 1000) << '.'
+       << (LIBGEOTIFF_VERSION / 100 % 10) << '.'
+       << (LIBGEOTIFF_VERSION % 100 / 10);
+#ifdef HAVE_GDAL
+    os << " GDAL " << GDALVersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME");
+    std::string info(os.str());
+    os.str("");
+    os << "libLAS " << LIBLAS_RELEASE_NAME;
+    if (!info.empty())
+    {
+        os << " with" << info;
+    }
+    return os.str();
+/// Tell the user our dotted release name.
+inline std::string GetVersion() {
+    return std::string(LIBLAS_RELEASE_NAME);
 } // namespace liblas
diff -r 0b11d9405ad8 -r 4a99ae8918cf include/liblas/liblas.hpp
--- a/include/liblas/liblas.hpp	Tue Sep 07 11:11:28 2010 -0500
+++ b/include/liblas/liblas.hpp	Tue Sep 07 13:11:28 2010 -0500
@@ -116,57 +116,6 @@
     return ofs.is_open();
-/// Check if GDAL support has been built in to libLAS.
-inline bool IsGDALEnabled()
-#ifdef HAVE_GDAL
-    return true;
-    return false;
-/// Check if GeoTIFF support has been built in to libLAS.
-inline bool IsLibGeoTIFFEnabled()
-    return true;
-    return false;
-/// Tell the user a bit about libLAS' compilation
-inline std::string  GetFullVersion(void) {
-    std::ostringstream os;
-    os << " GeoTIFF "
-       << (LIBGEOTIFF_VERSION / 1000) << '.'
-       << (LIBGEOTIFF_VERSION / 100 % 10) << '.'
-       << (LIBGEOTIFF_VERSION % 100 / 10);
-#ifdef HAVE_GDAL
-    os << " GDAL " << GDALVersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME");
-    std::string info(os.str());
-    os.str("");
-    os << "libLAS " << LIBLAS_RELEASE_NAME;
-    if (!info.empty())
-    {
-        os << " with" << info;
-    }
-    return os.str();
-/// Tell the user our dotted release name.
-inline std::string GetVersion() {
-    return std::string(LIBLAS_RELEASE_NAME);
 class ReaderI
diff -r 0b11d9405ad8 -r 4a99ae8918cf python/liblas/core.py
--- a/python/liblas/core.py	Tue Sep 07 11:11:28 2010 -0500
+++ b/python/liblas/core.py	Tue Sep 07 13:11:28 2010 -0500
@@ -435,10 +435,6 @@
 las.LASHeader_GetDataRecordLength.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
 las.LASHeader_GetDataRecordLength.errcheck = check_value
-las.LASHeader_SetDataRecordLength.restype = ctypes.c_int
-las.LASHeader_SetDataRecordLength.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_ushort]
-las.LASHeader_SetDataRecordLength.errcheck = check_return
 las.LASHeader_GetPointRecordsCount.restype = ctypes.c_ulong
 las.LASHeader_GetPointRecordsCount.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
 las.LASHeader_GetPointRecordsCount.errcheck = check_value
@@ -733,64 +729,64 @@
 las.LASHeader_SetSRS.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p]
 las.LASHeader_SetSRS.errcheck = check_return
-las.LASHeader_GetSchema.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
-las.LASHeader_GetSchema.errcheck = check_void
-las.LASHeader_GetSchema.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
-las.LASHeader_SetSchema.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p]
-las.LASHeader_SetSchema.errcheck = check_return
-las.LASHeader_SetSchema.restype = ctypes.c_int
-las.LASSchema_Create.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint8,
-                                        ctypes.c_uint8,
-                                        ctypes.c_uint32,
-                                        ctypes.c_uint8,
-                                        ctypes.c_uint8]
-las.LASSchema_Create.errcheck = check_void
-las.LASSchema_Create.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
-las.LASSchema_GetByteSize.restype = ctypes.c_ushort
-las.LASSchema_GetByteSize.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
-las.LASSchema_GetByteSize.errcheck = check_value
-las.LASSchema_SetByteSize.restype = ctypes.c_int
-las.LASSchema_SetByteSize.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_ushort]
-las.LASSchema_SetByteSize.errcheck = check_return
-las.LASSchema_GetBaseByteSize.restype = ctypes.c_ushort
-las.LASSchema_GetBaseByteSize.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
-las.LASSchema_GetBaseByteSize.errcheck = check_value
-las.LASSchema_HasColor.restype = ctypes.c_uint8
-las.LASSchema_HasColor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
-las.LASSchema_HasColor.errcheck = check_value
-las.LASSchema_SetColor.restype = ctypes.c_int
-las.LASSchema_SetColor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint8]
-las.LASSchema_SetColor.errcheck = check_return
-las.LASSchema_HasTime.restype = ctypes.c_uint8
-las.LASSchema_HasTime.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
-las.LASSchema_HasTime.errcheck = check_value
-las.LASSchema_SetTime.restype = ctypes.c_int
-las.LASSchema_SetTime.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint8]
-las.LASSchema_SetTime.errcheck = check_return
-las.LASSchema_GetVersionMinor.restype = ctypes.c_uint8
-las.LASSchema_GetVersionMinor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
-las.LASSchema_GetVersionMinor.errcheck = check_value
-las.LASSchema_SetVersionMinor.restype = ctypes.c_int
-las.LASSchema_SetVersionMinor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint8]
-las.LASSchema_SetVersionMinor.errcheck = check_return
-las.LASSchema_GetVersionMajor.restype = ctypes.c_uint8
-las.LASSchema_GetVersionMajor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
-las.LASSchema_GetVersionMajor.errcheck = check_value
-las.LASSchema_SetVersionMajor.restype = ctypes.c_int
-las.LASSchema_SetVersionMajor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint8]
-las.LASSchema_SetVersionMajor.errcheck = check_return
-las.LASSchema_Destroy.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
-las.LASSchema_Destroy.errcheck = check_void_done
-las.LASSchema_Destroy.restype = None
+# las.LASHeader_GetSchema.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
+# las.LASHeader_GetSchema.errcheck = check_void
+# las.LASHeader_GetSchema.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
+# las.LASHeader_SetSchema.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p]
+# las.LASHeader_SetSchema.errcheck = check_return
+# las.LASHeader_SetSchema.restype = ctypes.c_int
+# las.LASSchema_Create.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint8,
+#                                         ctypes.c_uint8,
+#                                         ctypes.c_uint32,
+#                                         ctypes.c_uint8,
+#                                         ctypes.c_uint8]
+# las.LASSchema_Create.errcheck = check_void
+# las.LASSchema_Create.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
+# las.LASSchema_GetByteSize.restype = ctypes.c_ushort
+# las.LASSchema_GetByteSize.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
+# las.LASSchema_GetByteSize.errcheck = check_value
+# las.LASSchema_SetByteSize.restype = ctypes.c_int
+# las.LASSchema_SetByteSize.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_ushort]
+# las.LASSchema_SetByteSize.errcheck = check_return
+# las.LASSchema_GetBaseByteSize.restype = ctypes.c_ushort
+# las.LASSchema_GetBaseByteSize.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
+# las.LASSchema_GetBaseByteSize.errcheck = check_value
+# las.LASSchema_HasColor.restype = ctypes.c_uint8
+# las.LASSchema_HasColor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
+# las.LASSchema_HasColor.errcheck = check_value
+# las.LASSchema_SetColor.restype = ctypes.c_int
+# las.LASSchema_SetColor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint8]
+# las.LASSchema_SetColor.errcheck = check_return
+# las.LASSchema_HasTime.restype = ctypes.c_uint8
+# las.LASSchema_HasTime.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
+# las.LASSchema_HasTime.errcheck = check_value
+# las.LASSchema_SetTime.restype = ctypes.c_int
+# las.LASSchema_SetTime.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint8]
+# las.LASSchema_SetTime.errcheck = check_return
+# las.LASSchema_GetVersionMinor.restype = ctypes.c_uint8
+# las.LASSchema_GetVersionMinor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
+# las.LASSchema_GetVersionMinor.errcheck = check_value
+# las.LASSchema_SetVersionMinor.restype = ctypes.c_int
+# las.LASSchema_SetVersionMinor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint8]
+# las.LASSchema_SetVersionMinor.errcheck = check_return
+# las.LASSchema_GetVersionMajor.restype = ctypes.c_uint8
+# las.LASSchema_GetVersionMajor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
+# las.LASSchema_GetVersionMajor.errcheck = check_value
+# las.LASSchema_SetVersionMajor.restype = ctypes.c_int
+# las.LASSchema_SetVersionMajor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint8]
+# las.LASSchema_SetVersionMajor.errcheck = check_return
+# las.LASSchema_Destroy.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
+# las.LASSchema_Destroy.errcheck = check_void_done
+# las.LASSchema_Destroy.restype = None
 las.LASString_Free.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)]

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