[Liblas-commits] hg: c++ tutorial updates to bring in line with how the code beha...

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Tue Feb 22 11:57:58 EST 2011

details:   http://hg.liblas.orghg/rev/b7c79f4eec6f
changeset: 2885:b7c79f4eec6f
user:      Howard Butler <hobu.inc at gmail.com>
date:      Tue Feb 22 10:57:51 2011 -0600
c++ tutorial updates to bring in line with how the code behaves now


 doc/tutorial/cpp.txt |  349 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 233 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 504 to 300 lines):

diff -r 4809a0506ae8 -r b7c79f4eec6f doc/tutorial/cpp.txt
--- a/doc/tutorial/cpp.txt	Mon Feb 21 15:54:04 2011 -0500
+++ b/doc/tutorial/cpp.txt	Tue Feb 22 10:57:51 2011 -0600
@@ -4,126 +4,203 @@
 C++ Tutorial
+:Author: Mateusz Loskot
+:Contact: mateusz at loskot dot net
+:Author: Howard Butler
+:Contact: hobu.inc at gmail dot com
+:Date: 2/22/2011
+.. contents::
+    :depth: 2
+    :backlinks: none
 This basic tutorial explains how to use libLAS to read and write LIDAR data
 encoded in LAS File Format. For more examples in C++, check source of `unit
 tests package`_ for libLAS.
-.. note::
-    This tutorial needs to be extended with more detailed instructions and examples.
+Reading LAS data using ``liblas::Reader``
 1. Include required header files from libLAS and C++ Standard Library
-.. code-block:: cpp
+    .. code-block:: cpp
- #include <liblas/laspoint.hpp>
- #include <liblas/lasreader.hpp>
- #include <fstream>  // std::ifstream
- #include <iostream> // std::cout
+        #include <liblas/liblas.hpp>
+        #include <fstream>  // std::ifstream
+        #include <iostream> // std::cout
 2. Create input stream and associate it with .las file opened to read in
    **binary** mode
-.. code-block:: cpp
+    .. code-block:: cpp
- std::ifstream ifs;
- ifs.open("file.las", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
+        std::ifstream ifs;
+        ifs.open("file.las", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
-3. Instantiate LAS file reader attached to the input stream object
+3. Create a ReaderFactory and instantiate a new liblas::Reader using 
+   the stream.
-.. code-block:: cpp
+    .. code-block:: cpp
- liblas::Reader reader(ifs);
+        liblas::ReaderFactory f;
+        liblas::Reader reader = f.CreateWithStream(ifs);
+    .. note::
+        It is possible to use the basic liblas::Reader constructor that 
+        takes in a std::istream, but it will not be able to account for the fact 
+        that the file might be compressed.  Using the ReaderFactory will take 
+        care of all of this for you.
 4. After the reader has been created, you can access members of the Public
    Header Block
-.. code-block:: cpp
+    .. code-block:: cpp
-    liblas::Header const& header = reader.GetHeader();
+        liblas::Header const& header = reader.GetHeader();
-    std::cout << "Signature: " << header.GetFileSignature() << '\n';
-    std::cout << "Points count: " << header.GetPointRecordsCount() << '\n';
+        std::cout << "Compressed: " << (header.Compressed() == true) ? "true":"false";
+        std::cout << "Signature: " << header.GetFileSignature() << '\n';
+        std::cout << "Points count: " << header.GetPointRecordsCount() << '\n';
-.. note::
-    It's correct to assume that after successful instantiation of reader,
-    public header block is automatically accessible. In other words, there
-    never be a reader that can not serve a header data.
+    .. note::
+        It's correct to assume that after successful instantiation of reader, the
+        public header block is automatically accessible. In other words, there
+        never be a reader that can not serve a header data.
-5. And, iterate through point records
+5. Iterate through point records
-.. code-block:: cpp
+    .. code-block:: cpp
- while (reader.ReadNextPoint())
- {
-    liblas::Point const& p = reader.GetPoint();
+        while (reader.ReadNextPoint())
+        {
+            liblas::Point const& p = reader.GetPoint();
-    std::cout << p.GetX() << ", " << p.GetY() << ", " << p.GetZ() << "\n";
- }
+            std::cout << p.GetX() << ", " << p.GetY() << ", " << p.GetZ() << "\n";
+        }
+6. Randomly read point 2
+    .. code-block:: cpp
+        reader.ReadPointAt(2);
+        liblas::Point const& p = reader.GetPoint();
+    .. note::
+        A `ReadPointAt` method call implies an individual seek in the file per
+        point read.  Use ``liblas::Reader::Seek`` if you wish to read a run 
+        of points starting at a specified location in the file.
+    .. warning::
+        If the file is a compressed LAS file, ReadPointAt is going to be much 
+        slower than randomly reading through an uncompressed file.  The `LASzip`_ 
+        compression as of LASzip 1.0.1 is sequential in nature, and asking for the 
+        2nd point in the file means decompressing both the 0th and 1st points.
+7. Seek to the 10th point to start reading.  A ``liblas::Reader`` provides a 
+   `Seek` method to allow you to start reading from a specified location for 
+   however many points you wish.  This functionality is useful for reading 
+   strips out of files.  
+    .. code-block:: cpp
+        reader.Seek(10);
+        while (reader.ReadNextPoint())
+        ...
+Writing using ``liblas::Writer``
 1. Include required header files from libLAS and C++ Standard Library
-.. code-block:: cpp
+    .. code-block:: cpp
- #include <liblas/laspoint.hpp>
- #include <liblas/laswriter.hpp>
- #include <fstream>  // std::ifstream
- #include <iostream> // std::cout
+        #include <liblas/liblas.hpp>
+        #include <fstream>  // std::ofstream
+        #include <iostream> // std::cout
 2. Create output stream and associate it with .las file opened to write data
    in **binary** mode
-.. code-block:: cpp
+    .. code-block:: cpp
- std::ofstream ofs;
- ofs.open("file.las", ios::out | ios::binary);
+        std::ofstream ofs;
+        ofs.open("file.las", ios::out | ios::binary);
+    .. note::
+        It is also possible to open the stream in append mode to add data 
+        to an existing file.  You should first instantiate a ``liblas::Reader`` 
+        and fetch the ``liblas::Header`` from the file, and then create the 
+        ``liblas::Writer`` with that header and the ofstream opened in append 
+        mode.
+        .. code-block:: cpp
-3. Create instance of Header class to define Public Header Block and set some values
+            liblas::Header header = reader.GetHeader();
-.. code-block:: cpp
+            std::ios::openmode m = std::ios::out | std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate;
+            ofs.open("file.las", m);
+            liblas::Writer writer(ofs, header);
- liblas::Header header;
- header.SetDataFormatId(liblas::ePointFormat1);
- // fill other header members
+3. Create instance of ``liblas::Header`` class to define Public Header Block and set some values
+    .. code-block:: cpp
+        liblas::Header header;
+        header.SetDataFormatId(liblas::ePointFormat1); // Time only
+        // Set coordinate system using GDAL support
+        liblas::SpatialReference srs;
+        srs.SetFromUserInput("EPSG:4326");
+        header.SetSRS(srs);
+        // fill other header members
-.. note:: 
-    The default constructed header object can be used as perfectly valid
-    header. It will define LAS file according to LAS 1.2 and Point Data Format
-    0.
+    .. note::
+        Simply setting ``header.SetCompressed(true)`` on the header will be
+        sufficient to output a compressed file when the ``liblas::Writer`` is
+        created if `LASzip`_ support is enabled in libLAS, but it is up to the
+        user to specify the proper file name extension, `.laz`, when writing the
+        file.
+    .. note:: 
+        The default constructed header object can be used as perfectly valid
+        header. It will define LAS file according to LAS 1.2 and Point Data Format
+        3.
 4. Create LAS file writer object attached to the output stream and the based
    on the header object.
-.. code-block:: cpp
+    .. code-block:: cpp
- liblas::Writer writer(ofs, header);
- // here the header has been serialized to disk into the *file.las*
+     liblas::Writer writer(ofs, header);
+     // here the header has been serialized to disk into the *file.las*
-5. Now, you can write some point records
+5. Write some point records
-.. code-block:: cpp
+    .. code-block:: cpp
- liblas::Point point;
- point.SetCoordinates(10, 20, 30);
- // fill other properties of point record
+     liblas::Point point;
+     point.SetCoordinates(10, 20, 30);
+     // fill other properties of point record
- writer.WritePoint(point);
+     writer.WritePoint(point);
-Here, one point is written to the *file.las*.
-Copying .las file
+Copying an .las file
 Below, two simple examples present how to rewrite content from one LAS file to
 another, in two different ways.
@@ -167,7 +244,7 @@
 The library provides two `iterators <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterator>`__
 compatible with `iterator concept
 <http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Iterators.html>`__ defined in `C++ Standard
-Template Library <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B_standard_library>`_:_
+Template Library <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B_standard_library>`__.
 * lasreader_iterator - (`input iterator
   <http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html>`__) used to read data from
@@ -178,36 +255,79 @@
 .. code-block:: cpp
- #include <liblas/lasreader.hpp>
- #include <liblas/laswriter.hpp>
- #include <liblas/iterator.hpp>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <exception>
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace liblas;
+    #include <liblas/liblas.hpp>
+    #include <algorithm>
+    #include <exception>
+    #include <iostream>
+    using namespace liblas;

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