[Liblas-commits] libpc: rework insertion of point cloud entry
liblas-commits at liblas.org
liblas-commits at liblas.org
Wed Mar 9 14:24:33 EST 2011
details: http://hg.liblas.orglibpc/rev/e236d82d7d90
changeset: 190:e236d82d7d90
user: Howard Butler <hobu.inc at gmail.com>
date: Wed Mar 09 13:24:26 2011 -0600
rework insertion of point cloud entry
src/drivers/oci/writer.cpp | 214 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
src/drivers/oci/writer.hpp | 6 +-
2 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diffs (292 lines):
diff -r 1b0b916218c7 -r e236d82d7d90 src/drivers/oci/writer.cpp
--- a/src/drivers/oci/writer.cpp Wed Mar 09 08:21:32 2011 -0600
+++ b/src/drivers/oci/writer.cpp Wed Mar 09 13:24:26 2011 -0600
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
- m_tree.put("3d", false);
+ m_tree.put("is3d", false);
m_tree.put("solid", false);
m_tree.put("overwrite", false);
m_tree.put("debug", false);
@@ -69,12 +69,13 @@
m_tree.put("base_table_name", std::string("hobu"));
m_tree.put("cloud_column_name", std::string("cloud"));
m_tree.put("header_blob_column_name", std::string("header"));
- m_tree.put("header_blob_column_name", std::string("header"));
m_tree.put("base_table_aux_columns", std::string(""));
m_tree.put("base_table_aux_values", std::string(""));
m_tree.put("pre_block_sql", std::string(""));
m_tree.put("pre_sql", std::string(""));
- m_tree.put("post_block_sql", libpc::Bounds<double>());
+ m_tree.put("post_block_sql", std::string(""));
+ m_tree.put("base_table_bounds", libpc::Bounds<double>());
bool Options::IsDebug() const
@@ -219,7 +220,7 @@
std::ostringstream oss;
std::string block_table_name = m_options.GetPTree().get<std::string>("block_table_name");
- bool is3d = m_options.GetPTree().get<bool>("3d");
+ bool is3d = m_options.GetPTree().get<bool>("is3d");
oss << "CREATE INDEX "<< block_table_name << "_cloud_idx on "
<< block_table_name << "(blk_extent) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX";
@@ -288,6 +289,7 @@
typedef boost::shared_ptr<long> shared_long;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<char> shared_char;
std::ostringstream oss;
// char* kind = (char* ) malloc (OWNAME * sizeof(char));
shared_char kind = boost::shared_ptr<char>(new char[OWNAME]);
@@ -311,20 +313,12 @@
if (compare_no_case(kind.get(), "GEOGRAPHIC2D",12) == 0) {
- // delete statement;
- // free(kind);
- // free(p_srid);
return true;
if (compare_no_case(kind.get(), "GEOGRAPHIC3D",12) == 0) {
- // delete statement;
- // free(kind);
- // free(p_srid);
return true;
- // free(kind);
- // free(p_srid);
return false;
@@ -377,6 +371,202 @@
+long Writer::GetGType()
+ boost::property_tree::ptree tree = m_options.GetPTree();
+ bool bUse3d = tree.get<bool>("is3d");
+ bool bUseSolidGeometry = tree.get<bool>("solid");
+ long gtype = 0;
+ if (bUse3d) {
+ if (bUseSolidGeometry == true) {
+ gtype = 3008;
+ } else {
+ gtype = 3003;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (bUseSolidGeometry == true) {
+ gtype = 2008;
+ } else {
+ gtype = 2003;
+ }
+ }
+ return gtype;
+std::string Writer::CreatePCElemInfo()
+ boost::property_tree::ptree tree = m_options.GetPTree();
+ bool bUse3d = tree.get<bool>("is3d");
+ bool bUseSolidGeometry = tree.get<bool>("solid");
+ std::ostringstream s_eleminfo;
+ if (bUse3d) {
+ if (bUseSolidGeometry == true) {
+ // s_gtype << "3008";
+ s_eleminfo << "(1,1007,3)";
+ } else {
+ // s_gtype << "3003";
+ s_eleminfo << "(1,1003,3)";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (bUseSolidGeometry == true) {
+ // s_gtype << "2008";
+ s_eleminfo << "(1,1007,3)";
+ } else {
+ // s_gtype << "2003";
+ s_eleminfo << "(1,1003,3)";
+ }
+ }
+ return s_eleminfo.str();
+long Writer::CreatePCEntry(std::vector<boost::uint8_t> const* header_data)
+ boost::property_tree::ptree tree = m_options.GetPTree();
+ std::string block_table_name = to_upper(tree.get<std::string>("block_table_name"));
+ std::string base_table_name = to_upper(tree.get<std::string>("base_table_name"));
+ std::string cloud_column_name = to_upper(tree.get<std::string>("cloud_column_name"));
+ std::string base_table_aux_columns = to_upper(tree.get<std::string>("base_table_aux_columns"));
+ std::string base_table_aux_values = to_upper(tree.get<std::string>("base_table_aux_values"));
+ std::string header_blob_column_name = to_upper(tree.get<std::string>("header_blob_column_name"));
+ boost::uint32_t srid = tree.get<boost::uint32_t>("srid");
+ boost::uint32_t precision = tree.get<boost::uint32_t>("precision");
+ boost::uint32_t capacity = tree.get<boost::uint32_t>("capacity");
+ boost::uint32_t dimensions = tree.get<boost::uint32_t>("dimensions");
+ bool bUse3d = tree.get<bool>("is3d");
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield);
+ oss.precision(precision);
+ std::ostringstream columns;
+ std::ostringstream values;
+ if (!base_table_aux_columns.empty() ) {
+ columns << cloud_column_name << "," << base_table_aux_columns;
+ values << "pc," << base_table_aux_values;
+ } else {
+ columns << cloud_column_name;
+ values << "pc";
+ }
+ if (!header_blob_column_name.empty()){
+ columns << "," << header_blob_column_name;
+ values <<", :2";
+ }
+ std::ostringstream s_srid;
+ std::ostringstream s_gtype;
+ std::ostringstream s_eleminfo;
+ std::ostringstream s_geom;
+ // IsGeographic(srid);
+ if (srid == 0)
+ {
+ s_srid << "NULL";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s_srid << srid;
+ }
+ long gtype = GetGType();
+ s_gtype << gtype;
+ std::string eleminfo = CreatePCElemInfo();
+ libpc::Bounds<double> e = m_bounds;
+ s_geom << " mdsys.sdo_geometry("<<s_gtype.str() <<", "<<s_srid.str()<<", null,\n"
+" mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array"<< s_eleminfo.str() <<",\n"
+" mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(\n";
+ s_geom << e.getMinimum(0) << "," << e.getMinimum(1) << ",";
+ if (bUse3d) {
+ s_geom << e.getMinimum(2) << ",";
+ }
+ s_geom << e.getMaximum(0) << "," << e.getMaximum(1);
+ if (bUse3d) {
+ s_geom << "," << e.getMaximum(2);
+ }
+ s_geom << "))";
+oss << "declare\n"
+" pc_id NUMBER := :1;\n"
+" pc sdo_pc;\n"
+" -- Initialize the Point Cloud object.\n"
+" pc := sdo_pc_pkg.init( \n"
+" '"<< base_table_name<<"', -- Table that has the SDO_POINT_CLOUD column defined\n"
+" '"<< cloud_column_name<<"', -- Column name of the SDO_POINT_CLOUD object\n"
+" '"<< block_table_name <<"', -- Table to store blocks of the point cloud\n"
+" 'blk_capacity="<< capacity <<"', -- max # of points per block\n"
+<< s_geom.str() <<
+", -- Extent\n"
+" 0.5, -- Tolerance for point cloud\n"
+" "<<dimensions<<", -- Total number of dimensions\n"
+" null);\n"
+" :1 := pc.pc_id;\n"
+" -- Insert the Point Cloud object into the \"base\" table.\n"
+" insert into " << base_table_name << " ( ID, "<< columns.str() <<
+ ") values ( pc.pc_id, " << values.str() << ");\n"
+" "
+ int pc_id = 0;
+ long output = 0;
+ Statement statement = Statement(m_connection->CreateStatement(oss.str().c_str()));
+ statement->Bind(&pc_id);
+ if (header_data->size() != 0) {
+ OCILobLocator** locator =(OCILobLocator**) VSIMalloc( sizeof(OCILobLocator*) * 1 );
+ statement->Define( locator, 1 );
+ statement->Bind((char*)&(header_data[0]),(long)header_data->size());
+ }
+ try {
+ statement->Execute();
+ } catch (std::runtime_error const& e) {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Failed at creating Point Cloud entry into " << base_table_name << " table. Does the table exist? " << e.what();
+ throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
+ }
+ output = pc_id;
+ return output;
void Writer::writeBegin()
diff -r 1b0b916218c7 -r e236d82d7d90 src/drivers/oci/writer.hpp
--- a/src/drivers/oci/writer.hpp Wed Mar 09 08:21:32 2011 -0600
+++ b/src/drivers/oci/writer.hpp Wed Mar 09 13:24:26 2011 -0600
@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@
const std::string& getName() const;
void run(std::ostringstream const& command);
+ inline void setBounds(libpc::Bounds<double> bounds) {m_bounds = bounds; }
+ inline libpc::Bounds<double> getBounds() const { return m_bounds; }
// this is called once before the loop with the writeBuffer calls
virtual void writeBegin();
@@ -114,6 +115,9 @@
void WipeBlockTable();
void CreateBlockIndex();
void CreateBlockTable();
+ long CreatePCEntry(std::vector<boost::uint8_t> const* header_data);
+ long GetGType();
+ std::string CreatePCElemInfo();
bool BlockTableExists();
void RunFileSQL(std::string const& filename);
bool IsGeographic(boost::int32_t srid);
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