[Liblas-commits] hg-main-tree: fix test that was too subject to random data

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Thu Mar 24 15:13:03 EDT 2011

details:   http://hg.libpc.orghg-main-tree/rev/d3a0a658ccc6
changeset: 433:d3a0a658ccc6
user:      Michael P. Gerlek <mpg at flaxen.com>
date:      Thu Mar 24 12:12:56 2011 -0700
fix test that was too subject to random data


 test/unit/CropFilterTest.cpp |  45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diffs (65 lines):

diff -r fdb971f09db1 -r d3a0a658ccc6 test/unit/CropFilterTest.cpp
--- a/test/unit/CropFilterTest.cpp	Thu Mar 24 12:12:21 2011 -0700
+++ b/test/unit/CropFilterTest.cpp	Thu Mar 24 12:12:56 2011 -0700
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
-    Bounds<double> srcBounds(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0);
+    Bounds<double> srcBounds(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0);
-    // crop the window to 1/8th the size
-    Bounds<double> dstBounds(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0);
+    // crop the window to 1/3rd the size in each dimension
+    Bounds<double> dstBounds(3.33333, 33.33333, 333.33333, 6.66666, 66.66666, 666.66666);
-    libpc::drivers::faux::Reader reader(srcBounds, 1000, libpc::drivers::faux::Reader::Random);
+    libpc::drivers::faux::Reader reader(srcBounds, 1000, libpc::drivers::faux::Reader::Ramp);
     libpc::filters::CropFilter filter(reader, dstBounds);
     BOOST_CHECK(filter.getName() == "Crop Filter");
@@ -59,19 +59,32 @@
     boost::uint64_t numWritten = writer.write(1000);
-    // 1000 * 1/8 = 125, plus or minus 10%
-    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(static_cast<double>(numWritten), 125, 12.5));
+    // 1000 * 1/3 = 333, plus or minus a bit for rounding
+    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(static_cast<double>(numWritten), 333, 6));
-    // test all the values to +/- 10%
-    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(writer.getMinX(), 0.0, 5.0));
-    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(writer.getMinY(), 0.0, 5.0));
-    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(writer.getMinZ(), 0.0, 5.0));
-    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(writer.getMaxX(), 50.0, 5.0));
-    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(writer.getMaxY(), 50.0, 5.0));
-    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(writer.getMaxZ(), 50.0, 5.0));
-    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(writer.getAvgX(), 25.0, 5.0));
-    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(writer.getAvgY(), 25.0, 5.0));
-    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(writer.getAvgZ(), 25.0, 5.0));
+    const double minX = writer.getMinX();
+    const double minY = writer.getMinY();
+    const double minZ = writer.getMinZ();
+    const double maxX = writer.getMaxX();
+    const double maxY = writer.getMaxY();
+    const double maxZ = writer.getMaxZ();
+    const double avgX = writer.getAvgX();
+    const double avgY = writer.getAvgY();
+    const double avgZ = writer.getAvgZ();
+    const double delX = 10.0 / 999.0;
+    const double delY = 100.0 / 999.0;
+    const double delZ = 1000.0 / 999.0;
+    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(minX, 3.33333, delX));
+    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(minY, 33.33333, delY));
+    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(minZ, 333.33333, delZ));
+    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(maxX, 6.66666, delX));
+    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(maxY, 66.66666, delY));
+    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(maxZ, 666.66666, delZ));
+    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(avgX, 5.00000, delX));
+    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(avgY, 50.00000, delY));
+    BOOST_CHECK(Utils::compare_approx<double>(avgZ, 500.00000, delZ));

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