[Liblas-devel] RE: Building the .net/mono bindings

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Mon Aug 25 07:07:17 EDT 2008

Martin Rodriguez wrote:
>> OK, I will try to help.
>> Please, describe step-by-step how you build libLAS bindings for .NET on
>> Windows and Mono on Linux.
> Okay. Thank you so much. I see in the osgeo c++ projects you use autotools,
> nmake and cmake in all projects.


You shouldn't be surprised. Autotools is used in tons of GNOME, GNU,
Debian, and other projects.

>> Alternative to Autotools/NMAKE is CMake, see (CMakeLists.txt,
>> trunk/build/cmake). Feel free to extend cmake builder with steps for
>> .NET/Mono.
> In my opinion waf is exactly the same to cmake, hehe.
> waf configure
> waf build
> waf install
> instead of  CMakeLists.txt you have wafscripts files.

We are not going to include waf building configuration in libLAS,
at least now.

However, you are free to create new Ticket and submit waf stuff as
attachment. Users who prefer waf can download waf configuration files
from ticket and use it.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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