[Liblas-devel] liblas problems

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sat Nov 1 04:35:10 EDT 2008


This test is a very good idea.
Unfortunately, I can't test it now (I'm still connected using very weak 
GSM/GPRS link and have rare access to compilers).
Nevertheless, I'm sure it will help to identify DLL issues.


Martin Vales pisze:
> Hi:
> I have created a test program using 3 DLLs (mateus, hobu and me):
> The app is here:
> http://3xfjvg.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pu_QS9lTIfOZVSH_Vx_e-VqQGzOFqJorMDtcJWH89ma-PMMgwIHRhigFGWwC3HDZinwQDhNcLvks/test_liblas_compilations.rar?download
> I have and error using the hobu DLL.
> the code is this:
> using System;
> using System.Collections.Generic;
> using System.Text;
> using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
> namespace test_liblas1
> {
>     public class mateusCAPI
>     {
>         [DllImport("mateus_liblas.dll")]
>         public static extern String LAS_GetVersion();
>     }
>     public class hobuCAPI
>     {
>         [DllImport("hobu_liblas.dll")]
>         public static extern String LAS_GetVersion();
>     }
>     public class martinCAPI
>     {
>         [DllImport("martin_liblas.dll")]
>         public static extern String LAS_GetVersion();
>     }
>     class Program
>     {
>         static void Main(string[] args)
>         {
>             Console.Write("choose a API (hobu=1,mateus=2,martin=3)->");
>             string read = Console.ReadLine();
>             if (read == "1")
>             {
>                 Console.WriteLine("Liblas version= " +
> hobuCAPI.LAS_GetVersion());
>                 Console.WriteLine("hobu compilation!!");
>             }
>             else if (read == "1")
>             {
>                 Console.WriteLine("Liblas version= " +
> mateusCAPI.LAS_GetVersion());
>                 Console.WriteLine("mateus compilation!!");
>             }
>             else
>             {
>                 Console.WriteLine("Liblas version= " +
> martinCAPI.LAS_GetVersion());
>                 Console.WriteLine("Martin compilation!!");
>             }
>             Console.Read();
>         }
>     }
> }
> Regards.

Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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