[Liblas-devel] Building .NET bindings

Mateusz Łoskot mateusz at loskot.net
Thu Oct 9 13:05:39 EDT 2008

Howard Butler pisze:
> On Oct 9, 2008, at 5:05 AM, Mateusz Łoskot wrote:
>> What I'm asking is the list of steps specific to .NET bindings for 
>> libLAS. Here is information users will need:
>> 1. What system and software is required to build .NET bindings
>> 2. What solution/project open in Visual Studio
>> 3. In what step to build native DLLs of libLAS and which API, C or C++
>> 3.1. Does user need to build libLAS DLLs using NMAKE or using VS 
>> solution file from build/msvc80
>> 4. If there is a need to change any properties of VS solution/project,
>> which one to change.
>> 5. How to build and run tests
>> 6. ...
> This is exactly what needs to be done for the .NET bindings.  I still 
> would like to release tomorrow, and from what I gather the .NET bindings 
> are in workable shape for a release, even if they aren't completely done 
> yet.  We can always have a maintenance release in the future that cleans 
> up any issues.
> I'm excited to get the release out the door so we can start promoting it.


I managed to build .NET bindings today. I also submitted a bunch of 
improvements in the trunk.

Generally, in order to build .NET bindings users are supposed to do:

1. Build libLAS C++ and C DLLs

nmake /f makefile.vc


Open trunk/build/msvc80/liblas.sln in VS2005 or VS2008. Build the 
solution. Successfull build is required for only two projects: 
liblas_lib.vcproj and liblas_c_dll.vcproj.

2. Load trunk/csharp/dotnetLibLAS.sln in VS2005/2008

3. Open file LibLASCAPI.cs and go to line 65

4. Change value of this contant to DLL name built in step 1
public const string DLL_LAS_VERSION = "mingw_liblas1.dll";

For instance, liblas1.dll if libLAS built using NMAKE.

5. Build solution

6. User is ready to copy and use liblas1.dll and dotnetLibLAS.dll

I could write these instructions to trunk/csharp/README file
but I will wait for Martin as he knows it best.

Also, I'd be happy if we can avoid changing value of the DLL_LAS_VERSION 
  constant, instead move this to solution properties and - for Mono on 
Unix - specify it somewhere in ./configure.in

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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