[Liblas-devel] GPS time and intensity?

Mateusz Łoskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sun Oct 12 07:08:57 EDT 2008

Jason Woolard pisze:
> Two more quick questions. I can't seem to pull the intensity from a LAS 
> file. The documentation shows intensity in the LASPoint class. Has that 
> been implemented? I'm getting a Traceback error in Python 2.5 with 
> intensity while x,y,z return_number and classification are all coming 
> across fine.


I'm not an expert of the bindings for Python but as I see, intensity 
getter/setter is missing:


Let's wait for Howard to confirm.

> Also, the GPS time seems to be rounding to the nearest second . My input 
> file has data to 3 decimal places. Is there any way to carry that 
> precision over?

As I can tell from what I see in the code, get_time method returns 8 
elements of struct_time (range [0:7]). All these elements are integers
and number of seconds is represented as integer. By the nature of 
functions like localtime, gmtime, etc. fractions of second is lost.


Aren't LiDAR observations (pulses) measured in seconds with fractions 

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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