[Liblas-devel] PROJ4 / Georeference info?

Martin Vales martinvales00 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 14:44:35 EDT 2008

2008/10/31 Jason Woolard <Jason.Woolard at noaa.gov>

> Thanks Howard. The problem is on my end. The strange thing is I can get
> this to work on a different computer. I remembered I was never able to get
> the win32 exe to properly install on my machine. No errors during the
> install it just doesn't import liblas. Martin R. gave me a DLL he made from
> a mingw compilation and I can get it to work by replacing liblas1.dll with
> his dll. Otherwise I get this:

Yes it´s possible proj doesn`t work with the mingw library because i don´t
try the strdup function yet in mingw.

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