[Liblas-devel] C API usage

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 15:06:32 EDT 2009

Mateusz and I were discussing the short separation of the libLAS C API  
from the C++ API.  The C API limits our ability to innovate in the C++  
core because changes in the core often bubble up into changes in the C  
and Python APIs.  This means that simple changes can end up touching  
two or three things and increasing the amount of maintenance we have  
to do.

The C API's main purpose as originally developed was to serve in a  
couple of different capacities:
- provide an API that Python's ctypes could use to easily generate  
- provide an implementation that demonstrates how to use the C++ API
- provide a familiar, GDAL-style API that developers could use
- provide some modicum of ABI stability

I would like to know how/if you are using the C API, what your  
experience has been with it, does it provide value in relation to the C 
++ core of libLAS, and what you would think of us separating it from  
the core.

We were thinking something like:

- trunk/liblascore
- trunk/liblasc
- trunk/liblaspy

Do you use the C API?


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