[Liblas-devel] liblas+gcc42+FreeBSD64 + stdint.hpp

Jeff Hamann jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com
Tue May 26 23:50:08 EDT 2009

LibLAS developers:

After receiving a few suggestions, I attempted to hack at the  
Makefiles to get it to build with a more recent compiler, at least  
more recent that gcc 3.4. Hacking absolute pathnames in the post ./ 
configure Makefiles didn't seem to fix the problem. Then I tried using

$ ./configure CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc42 CXX=/usr/local/bin/g++42 F77=/ 

which resulted in the following config:

libLAS configuration summary:

   Version..................: 1.0.1
   Installation directory...: /usr/local
   C compiler...............: /usr/local/bin/gcc42 -Wall -Wno-long- 
long -pedantic  -O3 -DNDEBUG
   C++ compiler.............: /usr/local/bin/g++42 -Wall -Wno-long- 
long -pedantic -std=c++98  -O3 -DNDEBUG
   Debugging support........:
   GDAL support.............: no
   GeoTIFF SRS support......: no


   libLAS - http://liblas.org

still yields the following results for a sample file:

bobby# ./lasinfo lidar.las

   Header Summary
   File Name: lidar.las
   Version:                    1.0
   Source ID:                  0
   Reserved:                   0
   Project ID/GUID:           '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
   System Identifier:         ''
   Generating Software:       'TerraScan'
   File Creation Day/Year:    0/0
   Header Size                227
   Offset to Point Data       -452984832
   Number Var. Length Records 0
   Point Data Format          1
   Point Data Record Length   28
   Number of Point Records    -261525504
   Number of Points by Return 0 -783548416 295895808 -1851190784  
   Scale Factor X Y Z         7.68817e+284 7.68817e+284 7.68817e+284
   Offset X Y Z               0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
   Min X Y Z                  0.000000 0.000000  
   Max X Y Z                  0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
  Spatial Reference

To facilitate some testing, I need to build this on FreeBSD. liblas  
works fine on OSX (gcc 4.0.1).

Is there some problem with the resulting  "-Wno-long-long" and include/ 
liblas/cstdint.hpp entries?


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