[Liblas-devel] liblas 1.0.1 on FreeBSD64 with gcc 3.4.4

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Thu May 28 05:35:03 EDT 2009

Jeff Hamann wrote:
> $ uname -a
> FreeBSD bobby.forestinformatics.com 6.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE #2: 
> Sun Nov 27 14:07:55 PST 2005     
> hamannj at bobby.forestinformatics.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
> $ make check
> make  check-TESTS
> libLAS Test Suite:
> ==================
> liblas::LASClassification: ..............................
> liblas::LASError: ...Failed to remove '../data//lasfile_tmp.las' file
> liblas::LASFile: .Failed to remove '../data//lasfile_tmp.las' file
> .Failed to remove '../data//lasfile_tmp.las' file
> ..Failed to remove '../data//lasfile_tmp.las' file
> .Failed to remove '../data//lasfile_tmp.las' file
> .Failed to remove '../data//lasfile_tmp.las' file
> .Failed to remove '../data//lasfile_tmp.las' file
> ...Failed to remove '../data//lasfile_tmp.las' file
> liblas::LASHeader: ............
> liblas::LASPoint: ................
> liblas::LASReader: .......
> liblas::LASSpatialReference: .
> liblas::LASVariableRecord: ......
> liblas::LASWriter: ....
> liblas::guid: .......
> liblas::lasreader_iterator: ......................
> tests summary: ok:118
> PASS: liblas_test
> ==================
> All 1 tests passed
> ==================
> $
> (make install works fine)
> and tada! Works like a charm. Excellent!
> Thank you so much for a great library. Now that this seems to work with 
> FreeBSD 6.0, I don't need to use the 1.0.1 library.

That's great! I'm glad your problem has been solved.

BTW, looks like FreeBSD is more strict and does not accept double slash 
in paths, that's why temporary test files can't be removed. Need to be 

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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