[Liblas-devel] Who's using libLAS?

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Fri Apr 30 09:58:16 EDT 2010


In an effort to gain influence with potential funding sources, I would be really appreciative of organizations and softwares that were willing to publicly state that they're using libLAS.  In addition to being a vote of confidence for libLAS, public acknowledgement will provide a good measure of the uptake and influence of libLAS within the community.  

Something similar, though obviously not as extensive, to GDAL's list is what I'm hoping for <http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/SoftwareUsingGdal>.

Please edit http://liblas.org/wiki/WhoUsesLibLAS or just reply to the list and I'll add you.  



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