[Liblas-devel] Performance Comparison 1.21 C Api vs 1.6b3

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 11:23:44 EST 2010

On Dec 20, 2010, at 11:58 AM, Mauricio Terneus wrote:

>  Did 5 runs on 1.21 and the latest checkout of 1.6 The latest checkout
>  did improve performance another big chunk.
>  Total Points: 9935230
>  LibLAS 1.21  C Api
>  Run 1: 3.93 seconds
>  Run 2: 3.89 seconds
>  Run 3: 3.91 seconds
>  Run 4: 3.91 seconds
>  LibLAS 1.6  C++ API
>  Run 1: 4.16 seconds
>  Run 2: 4.10 seconds
>  Run 3: 4.12 seconds
>  Run 4: 4.17 seconds

Awesome.  I cleaned up a number of stupid things that I was doing which should make things go more quickly.  What are your current results?


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