[Liblas-devel] setup LibLAS for vb.net 2010 (express)

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Mon Sep 6 22:40:05 EDT 2010

On Sep 6, 2010, at 8:13 PM, Lewis Carrol wrote:

> Hi Howard,
> Yes there may be some confusion, I realise that now.
> I was expecting to have found an open source DLL that I could use to access LiDAR LAS data from VB .NET.
> I was hoping to find a progammatic entry point to work with LAS files, like (for instance, I am just making this up)
> imports liblas
> liblas.openlasfile(lasfile) or
> liblas.readheader(lasfile) or
> liblas.getpointX(id) .
> liblas.writelasfile(lasfile) etc

<http://liblas.org/tutorial/csharp.html> is about what you are hoping for, but you need to use the latest Mercurial repository of the .NET bindings <http://hg.liblas.org/clr/> along with a libLAS 1.2.x version to be able to do that (and there isn't much for instructions on how to get it all to work).  Unfortunately, the people who were working on the .NET stuff have kind of fallen off of the radar, and I don't know anything about it, so I'm not going to be a good resource either.

> Is this not what liblas can offer?

I would note that the Python bindings appear to be exactly <http://liblas.org/tutorial/python.html> what you are after, but in a different language.  If you are looking to embed LAS capabilities in your .NET application, a Python library isn't what you need, but if you are looking to merely manipulate a bunch of LAS files, the Python bindings can fit the bill in a much easier form than programming in c/c++.


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