[Liblas-devel] libLAS' source repository has moved

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 09:43:37 EDT 2011


libLAS' source repository has been moved to github. You can find it at 


I am in the process of decommissioning the server that liblas.org currently lives on and moving to another one over the next few months. As part of this process, I am moving all Mercurial repositories to github and turning off (but preserving) any Trac repositories that went along with them.  

The burden of user management in the face of spam is simply too much, especially considering that Trac's development is essentially abandoned at this point. While github's wiki and ticket system isn't as nice as Trac's, the ability for people to do forking and pull requests along with a workable ticket system is quite compelling. As it stands now, people can't register for our system without contacting me first, and this is too much impedance for people to get any work done.

Fork on!


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