[Liblas-devel] Written file can't be read by other .las viewers

James Hargrave jhargrave at photomodeler.com
Thu Aug 25 19:16:09 EDT 2011


When I use laslib to create a file I am able to then read the file back in
and everything seems fine.  However, I am unable to view the file in other
applications such as the lasview.exe utility found here:


The steps I use mirror the C++ tutorial from the laslib.org site:

	ofs.open((char*)filename, ios::out | ios::binary);
	liblas::Header header;

	writer = new liblas::Writer(ofs, header);

Then in a loop:

	liblas::Point point;
	point.SetCoordinates(pt.X(), pt.Y(), pt.Z());

	// fill other properties of point record
	if ( rgb )
		point.SetColor( liblas::Color( rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] ) );


If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate any suggestions.  If it would help I
can also provide a sample output file which I am able to read back in using
liblas but does not appear when loaded into lasview.exe .

- James

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