[Liblas-devel] Header::SetDataFormatId, and supported schemas

Martin Isenburg martin.isenburg at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 09:53:11 EST 2011

hi ben.

> ePointFormat0: has dimensions "X, Y, Z, Intensity, Return Number,
> Number of Returns, Scan Direction, Flightline Edge, Classification,
> Scan Angle Rank, User Data, Point Source ID".
> ePointFormat1: all of those, plus it adds "Time".
> ePointFormat2: adds Color ("Red", "Green", "Blue")
> ePointFormat3: adds "Time" and Color.
> ePointFormat4: adds "Time" (and WavePacket?)
> ePointFormat5: adds ???

ePointFormat5: adds "Time" and Color and WavePacket

> Besides clarifying those options a bit more for the documentation,
> could someone tell if this means we cannot define our own schema?

We cannot. LAS has those 6 point types. If you only use XYZ and RGB
then you should use point type 2. If you are worried about space (e.g.
storing too many unused fields) you can consider leaving all those
fields at zero and storing your data LASzip compressed ... they will
be pretty much "compressed away" completely.


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