[Liblas-devel] create in internal lab *.exe with Python and Liblas (problem)

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 12:05:37 PDT 2012


If you would like to stay in pure Python, I would suggest using laspy in place of libLAS. It can be used on windows without trouble, and while it might be a little bit slower in some circumstances, it will be much easier to get going with.



On Sep 23, 2012, at 5:53 AM, gianni lavaredo <gianni.lavaredo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear memebrs list, 
> I wish to create un file *.exe for internal lab use with Python + Libals module. This exe read las file, shape file and clip the points inside the shapes file (ex: plots or polygons).
> After I wrote the code I use py2exe to convert my *.py script in a *.exe. After that when i run my exe i have this message:
> ClipLAS2LAS.exe
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "ClipLAS2LAS.py", line 14, in <module>
> File "liblas\__init__.pyc", line 2, in <module>
> File liblas\core.pyc",line 353, in __init__
> WindowsError: [Error 126] Impossible to find the specified module
> Thanks!!! for any suggestions and Help
> :)
> This is my Python code:
> #!/bin/env python
> from liblas import file
> from liblas import file as lasfile
> from liblas import vlr
> from liblas import header as lasheader
> import shapefile
> import numpy as np
> import matplotlib.nxutils as nx
> #import os
> #os.chdir("C:\PythonWork")
> #print(os.listdir('.'))
> # LAS file INPUT
> READFILE = raw_input("INPUT LAS filename (*.las):")
> # Shp file INPUT
> READFILE_SHP = raw_input("INPUT Shapefile filename (*.shp):")
> # LAS file OUTPUT
> WRITEFILE = raw_input("OUTPUT LAS filename (*.las):")
> f = lasfile.File(READFILE,None,'rb') # open LAS
> h = f.header
> file_out = lasfile.File(WRITEFILE,header=h,mode='w')
> sf = shapefile.Reader(READFILE_SHP) #open shpfile
> shapes = sf.shapes()
> for i in range(len(shapes)):
>     verts = np.array(shapes[i].points,float)
>     for p in f:
>         test = nx.pnpoly(p.x,p.y, verts)
>         if test == 1:
>             file_out.write(p)
>         elif test == 0:
>             del p
> file_out.close()
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