[rttopo-dev] Tolerance 0 support in master branch

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Tue Sep 6 08:31:38 PDT 2016

On 09/06/2016 05:20 PM, Andrea Peri wrote:
> So I'm unable to recompile it on a linux machine because actually my
> linux machine are all server where I have instaled the stable version
> of spatialite and cannot put on them a development version.
> The last time I try to compile spatialite on a windows machine using
> mingw at the end of the process the executable was defective to run.
> :(
> Actualy I have no one linux machine for development.

chroots are a good option to keep your development versions separate
from your production environment.

That's what we use for the Debian package builds too. My development
system runs Debian stable, but uses cowbuilder chroots for the various
Debian & Ubuntu releases to build to packages. You can login to the
chroots to do interactive testing & debugging.

Related reading:


Kind Regards,


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