[rttopo-dev] Compile errors with Visual Studio 2012

a.furieri at lqt.it a.furieri at lqt.it
Tue Jun 27 01:25:13 PDT 2017

On Mon, 26 Jun 2017 10:57:41 -0300, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to add librttopo support on Windows (for spatialite) for
> the MS4W community, and when I try to compile librttopo master I get
> the following errors with Visual Studio 2012:
>   https://git.osgeo.org/gogs/rttopo/librttopo/issues/24
> Please let me know if you need any more info, I can add it here or in
> the ticket.

Hi Jeff,

I've just been able to successfully build librttopo on MSVC 2015
(I imagine it should work on earlier versions of MSVC as well).
here is the basic recipe I've followed:

1. I've downloaded the most recent version of the sources
    available from the GIT repository:

2. then, from the MSVC own command prompt I've executed:
    nmake /f makefile.vc >msvc-log.txt

ouch ... the build process stops prematurely because two
header files are missing (both them are usually auto-generated
on the fly by the ./configure script on Linux).

so I've simply copied what I already had from a previous MinGW
build session (you'll find both headers into the attachment):


3. once again:
    nmake /f makefile.vc >msvc-log.txt

and I was finally able to successfully complete my MSVC build.

NOTE: as you can easily check from the attached "msvc-log.txt"
there are plenty of warnings (variables declared but never
used, not-casted conversions from signed and unsigned values,
not-ncasted roundings/truncations from doubles and floats and

more or less the same identical issues are reported by MinGW
and by GCC as well (see "mingw-log.txt"), so I intend that
all them should be simply considered as symptoms of a someway
"dirty" code, but they should be rather harmless.

please let me know if the same recipe works for you on
MSVC 2012; if yes I'll then try to patch the code so to
properly support a clean MSVC build.

I'm basically thinking about a solution like:

#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
#include "librttopo_geom_msvc.h"
#include "librttopo_geom.h"

bye Sandro

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