[Live-demo] grass data outside the home directory

Stefan Hansen stefan.hansen at lisasoft.com
Tue Dec 16 19:48:40 EST 2008

Hi all!

While working on the next release of our LiveDVD, I ran into a problem 
with grass.

Since I wanted to get rid of all spatial data in the users home 
directory (having lots of stuff there just increases the memory 
requirements), I moved my datagrass folder (which contains the demo 
data) to /usr/local/share/. Since the standard user "ubuntu" is created 
on the fly and therefore can't be the owner of files that exist before 
his creation (at least that how I interpreted that on the LiveDVD all 
files owned by "ubuntu", had changed the owner to something weird), I 
changed the owner of this folder, subfolders and files to "root", but 
gave all users access and write rights.

Unfortunately grass doesn't like that. It only wants to access the data, 
if the owner is the user who runs grass (e.g. "sudo grass" works fine).

For now I moved datagrass back home, but now our memory requirements are 
up to 1gig, which is not really acceptable.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?


Stefan Hansen
Software Engineer

Ph: +61 3 8680 3200 Fax: +61 3 8680 3299 Mob: +61
Level 9, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne Vic 3000

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