[Live-demo] Re: [Marketing] Live DVD feedback

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Thu Oct 16 05:48:46 EDT 2008

Tim Bowden wrote:
>   Maybe we could have some
> sort of feedback mini app on the DVD?

at the beginning an HTML page and an Icon as "Start here" on the desktop 
can do the job.
we can offer a little bit of documentation in HTML and ask for feedback.

a link to a form that submit an e-mail to this list maybe. I can do a 
trick like this in PHP on my server.

> I think we need to look at doing some tidy up and putting out a 1.0
> edition or do we stick with the Ubuntu naming convention?  Are there any
> updates pending on our stuff?  Others have expressed interest in getting
> some burned soon.  Come to think of it, do we have a policy on how we
> want to do this?  One release for each new Ubuntu version or what?
it would be good to have a chair for this project to manage some kind of 


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