[Live-demo] Re: Live-demo Digest, Vol 10, Issue 6

maplabs at light42.com maplabs at light42.com
Wed Aug 12 12:57:06 EDT 2009

Hi All-

  so I did get the latest copy from epifanio.. thank you epifanio!
I ran it in a VM on a MacBook Pro unibody using Virtual Box. 3D
acceleration did *not* work for me - but perhaps I needed to run the VBox
guest addition ?

  Otherwise the distro is looking very good. Thanks for english language
settings (!)  hmm perhaps PGAdmin did not come up - I will have to look

  (for the record, that linux host I used with epifanio to upload is at a
UC Berkeley Asst Professor's home, with a standard cable internet link..
so nothing fancy on campus.. I could ask if we need it, but the
bureaucracy is pretty thick there, too)

  best regards

Brian Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
IRC: darkblue_b

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