[Live-demo] Release 3.0 and 4.0 schedule + draft press release

Judit Mays mays at lat-lon.de
Thu Dec 17 01:52:10 EST 2009

Hello Cameron,

as I am not at all involved with the FOSSGIS organization, I will have
to forward your email to the organizing team and see if they are
interested in a DVD (new or update) at all.

I only mentioned the conference as it is a big one and you asked for
events with/from OSGeo. Just for completeness sake.

I will report back as soon as I can say more on this matter.

Kind regards,

Cameron Shorter schrieb:
> Judit,
> I've just ented the German speaking fossgis conference dates into our
> schedule, and realise that the proposed 3.0 release date is after your
> conference. If you wish to have a new LiveDVD release for your
> conference, then we could either:
> * move the 3.0 release forward (not my preference as I don't think we
> will get sufficient uptake from packages in time)
> * put out a minor release for the German speaking FOSS conference, which
> would probably consist of upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10, and possibly
> introducing German localisation, if a volunteer steps forward.
> The key here is the level of interest and hence effort that the German
> community put forward in order to drive a release through. I hope that
> you can comment on that.
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 8:41 PM, Judit Mays <mays at lat-lon.de
> <mailto:mays at lat-lon.de>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     I would like to mention the German speaking FOSSGIS conference [1],
>     March 2nd-5th 2010. I assume this might be too soon for the next
>     OSGeo-Disc (version 3.0)?
>     I agree with Hamish to first solve the naming problem before a press
>     release. I also favour Cameron's intention to inform people before
>     season vacation.
>     When I joined this list in mid year, I thought Arramagong was a cool
>     name for a conference handout in Australia. At that point I didn't know
>     about the GISVM/LiveDVD project's broader approach, and I am still not
>     sure about all aspects to it...
>     I thought Arramagong was a release name, like Karmic Koala is for Ubuntu
>     9.10. And I thought this a perfect idea, to have a release name that
>     suits the conference hosting country so well as does Arramagong.
>     May be this might help to find a naming for the future? Even if it was
>     just a misunderstanding on my side, it might be a common
>     misunderstanding? Therefore I would suggest the regular standard name to
>     be fairly "boring" (technical, matter of factly) and add a touch of
>     spices with the yearly conference location giving some local touch.
>     "Gaudi" comes to my mind when thinking of Barcelona, and it would match
>     the next years conference logo as well. But please come up with
>     something else all together if you feel inspired...
>     By the way, I seem to miss discussions on the projects contents like:
>     when did you guys talk about and decide that there should be 2 major
>     releases each year? My impression from the mails on this list was a
>     drift towards one major release towards FOSS4G and another minor half a
>     year later. I am wondering where these decisions are made and by whom? I
>     am just interested in the decision process.
>     Don't get me wrong. I am not overly interested to have it this way or
>     that. There might be ups and downs for both ways.
>     Some downs for two major releases from my perspective are:
>     * it would weaken my splendid idea of a conference-special-spicy-name
>     for the product ;-)
>     * some projects might decide to only update their GISVM/LiveDVD-versions
>     for the annual gathering of tribes (FOSS4G), as the work involved might
>     be too much if you can't find volunteers willing to go through the
>     process twice a year.
>     Happy to hear your thoughts,
>     Judit
>     [1] the only page I found with at least some English contents:
>     http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/wiki/2010/Call_for_Papers
>     Cameron Shorter schrieb:
>     > I've put together a draft schedule at:
>     >
>     http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=tMRaCwabv7SiIG3moHEfMrQ&hl=en_GB
>     <http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=tMRaCwabv7SiIG3moHEfMrQ&hl=en_GB>
>     > And I'm interested to hear feedback on whether people think this is
>     > good. Note: I have 6 weeks factored in from Feature Freeze to Final
>     > Release, to allow for testing.
>     >
>     > Alex, I'm interested to know the dates up the upcoming conferences so
>     > that we can ensure we have the 3.0 DVD ready in time for it.
>     >
>     > I also have a draft press release which I think we should send out
>     in a
>     > couple of days calling on projects to contribute toward the Live DVD.
>     > http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Press_Release_1
>     >
>     > Again, looking for feedback on this too.
>     >
> -- 
> Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Systems Architect
> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally
> Commercial Support for Geospatial Open Source Solutions
> http://www.lisasoft.com/LISAsoft/SupportedProducts.html

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