[Live-demo] OSGEO Live GIS , ideas to share - Poseidon

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com
Thu Dec 17 14:57:51 EST 2009

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com> wrote:

> > I believe we were successful because:
> > * We reduced the barrier of entry and offered high value
> > for projects wanting to join. "Write a simple install
> > script, and we will guarantee your application will be
> > distributed on a DVD handed out at our international
> > conference to all delegates".
> mmmph, we need to maintain some level of quality and editorial
> control... I worry that a full-on free-for-all encourages
> projects to act in their own interest at the expense of others.
> I've got no idea where that optimum balance point is of course,
> but if we can encourage the projects to stay involved after
> submitting their script to help maintain it, and in that time
> learn about how the whole disc interacts, then that sort of
> solves itself.
Yes, Hamish, I agree that it is our responsibility (as packagers) to define
and then police our quality policy.

I wonder whether we should allow projects to package their alpha and beta
software onto the LiveDVD, so long as it is clearly labelled as Beta, and
that it is not obvious to find from the main menu. Ie, beta software can be
used in a tutorial from a liveDVD, but the instructor will need to tell the
students how to find the software.

PS, I like the idea of developing a common dataset that all projects use,
and setting up a Desktop shootout.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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