[Live-demo] Updating the software

Firman Hadi jalmiburung at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 04:26:15 EST 2009

Dear all,

I have downloaded the LiveDVD and installed it as Virtual Machine using VMWare.
I want to install another package, gftp, so I have to 'apt-get update' but there is an error reaching http://mirror.math.ucdavis.edu, 
which is written in /etc/apt/sources.list
I did remove the site from the sources list, added another server to the sources list and managed to install gftp.
But when I do this there is a warning that some of the package need to be remove (using apt-get autoremove). 
I am afraid if I do the autoremove it will break the dependent packages of original LiveDVD package.
Is there any mirror?


Firman Hadi
Center for Remote Sensing - ITB
Jl. Ganesha No. 10, 3rd Floor
Bandung - 40132
Phone: +62-22-2530701
Fax: +62-22-2530702
Website : http://crs.itb.ac.id ; www.sigro.org
Blog : http://jalmiburung.wordpress.com

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