[Live-demo] Re: [OSGeo] #487: List project licenses

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Fri Oct 2 17:25:19 EDT 2009

#487: List project licenses
  Reporter:  camerons     |       Owner:  live-demo at lists.osgeo.org
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new                      
  Priority:  major        |   Component:  LiveDVD                  
Resolution:               |    Keywords:                           
Comment (by vmische):

 Every project can add to the description whatever they want and might even
 be the licenses they use. Or an easier way might be to add some
 information to the index page (that's the index_pre/post.html) that all
 projects use different licenses (even non-free stuff) and that you would
 need to checkout the projects website for further details.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/487#comment:2>
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