[Live-demo] Does your application work on the click2try GISVM?

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sun Oct 11 15:45:10 EDT 2009

I added this to ticket 495, since changing the password would fix the
issue. Not sure if we need click2try to change the password setting or
what ramifications this has for their role out.


Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Alex, Simon,
> Have you:
> 1. Fixed the problem on the VM supplied? If not please do so.
> 2. Fixed the geonetwork install script? If not, please either raise a
> svn issue, (ideally with a work around) or update the script.
> Alex Mandel wrote:
>> Ah, the desktop icon using launchassist.sh is rigged specifically to the
>> password user on the sudo command. That's probably why it didn't work.
>> QGIS worked for me, didn't get a chance to test anything else yet for
>> some reason my linux boxes aren't playing nice with the jvm versions I
>> have and the site, so I tested briefly on a windows box which worked.
>> Alex
>> Simon.Pigot at csiro.au wrote:
>>> Tried GeoNetwork - it doesn't work as far as I can tell because the
>>> permissions (for some reason) on /usr/lib/geonetwork are not owner
>>> user/group user!
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: live-demo-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
>>> [live-demo-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Cameron Shorter
>>> [cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com]
>>> Sent: Sunday, 11 October 2009 10:22 PM
>>> To: SAIG Carlos
>>> Cc: amr at saig.es; live-demo at lists.osgeo.org; 'Sergio Baños Calvo'
>>> Subject: Re: [Live-demo] Does your application work on the click2try
>>> GISVM?
>>> Thanks SAIG,
>>> For the record, which application(s) did you test?
>>> SAIG Carlos wrote:
>>>> Hello Cameron.
>>>> I logged in and it looks there are no problems.
>>>> I would like to thank  all of you again because you are making a big
>>>> effort
>>>> to make all the things work out correctly. Thank you.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Carlos Navarro
>>>> cnavarro at saig.es
>>>> Director Técnico de SAIG  // SAIG Technical Director
>>>> www.saig.es -- Tlf: +34 954788876 -- info at saig.es
>>>> -----Mensaje original-----
>>>> De: Cameron Shorter [mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com]
>>>> Enviado el: sábado, 10 de octubre de 2009 12:03
>>>> Para: Tom Callaghan
>>>> CC: Cameron Shorter; aneel.r at tecnics.com; 'Arun Sharma Tecnics';
>>>> Judit Mays;
>>>> Etienne Dube; Simon Pigot; Andrea Aime; Hamish; Jorge Gaspar Sanz
>>>> Salinas;
>>>> Cédric Moullet; SAIG Carlos; Dane Springmeyer; klokan at gmail.com; Landon
>>>> Blake; Anton Patrushev; Alex Mandel; Jody Garnett
>>>> Asunto: Re: [Live-demo] Does your application work on the click2try
>>>> GISVM?
>>>> Live DVD packagers:
>>>> The click2try team (who allow you to view a linux distribution in a web
>>>> browser) have been busy packaging our GISVM and have it mostly working.
>>>> We aim to have it released ASAP and definitely by Friday 16 October
>>>> so we
>>>> can put out a major press release to all international OSGeo users
>>>> we know
>>>> of.
>>>> Could everyone please try logging on using the instructions below
>>>> and see if
>>>> you can get your application working as per Tom's instructions below.
>>>> Note: do not stop the machine.
>>>> Please report back whether you were successful or not. Any issues
>>>> should be
>>>> added to the issue tracker at:
>>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/query?group=status&component=LiveDVD&order=prior
>>>> ity
>>>> Issues I'm aware of are:
>>>> * There are no icons for deegree
>>>> * There is no mapserver icon
>>>> * The "Start Mapnik & TileLite" icon is missing
>>>> * There is no "MapTiler" icon
>>>> I'm copying the install logs to:
>>>> http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/2.0.3-click2try/ (this is taking a
>>>> while, but should be finished by the time you look at this)
>>>> Alternatively, you can find them in the usual place on the click2try
>>>> image at:
>>>> /var/log/arramagong/
>>>> Tom Callaghan wrote:
>>>>> Hello Cameron,
>>>>> I have setup an instance of the OSGeo VM on one of our development
>>>> jukeboxes
>>>>> at the URL http://scooter.dev.presage-tech.com.
>>>>> Log in using
>>>>> user id: osgeo
>>>>> password: livedemo
>>>>> Once logged in, navigate to My Dashboard/Applications Manager.  You
>>>>> will
>>>> see
>>>>> a VM named osgeo-gisvmsl-2.  Hilite that and click the red LAUNCH
>>>>> button.
>>>>> This will connect you to the VM.  Please do not shut down this VM. 
>>>>> It is
>>>>> currently running as a single layered appliance on a slower
>>>>> development
>>>>> machine as I described in my previous email.  It will take a lot of
>>>>> time
>>>> to
>>>>> stop and restart it.
>>>>> We put a simple quickstart guide that displays on our viewer
>>>>> window.  It
>>>> has
>>>>> login information for the VNC session and root access info.
>>> -- 
>>> Cameron Shorter
>>> Geospatial Solutions Manager
>>> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>>> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>>> Think Globally, Fix Locally
>>> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
>>> http://www.lisasoft.com

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