[Live-demo] Does your application work on the click2try GISVM?

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Oct 14 19:41:34 EDT 2009


We can't guarantee the uid, various processes in the building of the iso
have a tendancy to wipe the existing user and a new one is created on
boot not necessarily with the same uid. The recommendation was to make
sure that all files were group rwx to the users group, not "user"
so chmod g+rwx. Hamish will correct me if I'm misremembering the discussion.

We won't really know the answer about whether the sudo is necessary
until after the next build attempt that someone tries. If you want to
test this script in a fresh vm and report back that would be helpful
otherwise it might be a few months before we have can finally resolve
this issue.


Simon Pigot wrote:
> What puzzles me about all this is that the changes Jeroen has made to
> the shortcut scripts were actually the way in which the shortcut scripts
> were originally submitted!
> Cameron, the chown command is in the install_geonetwork.sh already!
> The problems seem to have been caused by a decision someone made to
> change the uid/gid of user/password (when? how? why?) - is it still
> necessary to run the scripts with a sudo to user?
> Cheers,
> Simon
> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Jeroen,
>> I hope that we can apply your fixes to the geonetwork install scripts.
>> If you have not updated the install_geonetwork.sh , can you please
>> describe the issue and fix in the issue tracker, so that we can update
>> it before we go through the next release cycle.
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/query?group=status&component=LiveDVD&order=priority
>> Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
>>> Hi Aneel,
>>> These are the changes I did:
>>> from the root of the geonetwork application:
>>> sudo chown -R user:user *
>>> In the shortcuts that start and stop GeoNetwork I removed the first
>>> part of the command, just leaving the part:
>>> /usr/lib/geonetwork/bin/start-geonetwork.sh
>>> or
>>> /usr/lib/geonetwork/bin/stop-geonetwork.sh
>>> That's all.
>>> Ciao,
>>> Jeroen
>>> ____________________________________________________
>>> Jeroen Ticheler
>>> De Braakweg 12a
>>> 7524 PH Enschede
>>> Tel/Fax: +31 (0)53 7370049
>>> Mobile: +31 (0)6 81286572
>>> http://www.ticheler.net
>>> Please consider the environment before printing this email.
>>> On Oct 14, 2009, at 1:11 PM, Aneel wrote:
>>>> Hello Jeroen,
>>>> Please give us the steps you did to fix these issues. Whatever you
>>>> doing
>>>> is specific to particular instance only. We have to fix them at
>>>> application level to make permanent.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Aneel
>>>> click2try
>>>> On Wed, 2009-10-14 at 13:05 +0200, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
>>>>> Last thing, I also fixed the start and stop shortcuts. They should 
>>>>> point directly to the start and stop scripts and not go through
>>>>> the  launchhelper script.
>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>> Jeroen
>>>>> On Oct 14, 2009, at 12:46 PM, Aneel wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Jeroen,
>>>>>> Maintenance and bug fix activity is going on click2try-GISVM. Please
>>>>>> don't try the GISVM on click2try for some time. Once we have done
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> maintenance activity, we will post update on this mailing list.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Aneel
>>>>>> click2try
>>>>>> On Wed, 2009-10-14 at 12:41 +0200, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>>>>> I tried again several times today. I got some steps further, but 
>>>>>>> can't
>>>>>>> get on to the desktop :-( I use "user/user" as account/pw but then I
>>>>>>> get an error as shown on the screenshot. Is there a way to use SSH?
>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>> Jeroen
>>>>>>> ____________________________________________________
>>>>>>> Jeroen Ticheler
>>>>>>> De Braakweg 12a
>>>>>>> 7524 PH Enschede
>>>>>>> Tel/Fax: +31 (0)53 7370049
>>>>>>> Mobile: +31 (0)6 81286572
>>>>>>> http://www.ticheler.net
>>>>>>> Please consider the environment before printing this email.
>>>>>>> On Oct 14, 2009, at 1:22 AM, Tom Callaghan wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jaroen,
>>>>>>>> Maybe I can help you with your connection issues.  The message
>>>>>>>> “Public Internet Access: Yes, Not available” refers to something
>>>>>>>> that has not yet been set up for this VM.  This is not a problem
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> you should still be able to access the VM.  When you attempted to
>>>>>>>> connect, had  you highlighted the VM osgeo-gisvm20-25 and click2ed
>>>>>>>> the LAUNCH button?  If so, what happens?  Do you see a light purple
>>>>>>>> screen with a progress bar across the top?  Do you receive a
>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>> for installing a click2try java applet?  Does a frame with a page
>>>>>>>> not found appear on the left side of the screen with a title bar
>>>>>>>> “quickstart guide”?
>>>>>>>> Tom
>>>>>>>> From: Jeroen Ticheler [mailto:Jeroen at Ticheler.net]
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 5:41 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Aneel
>>>>>>>> Cc: Cameron Shorter; Ricardo Pinho; Tom Callaghan; Arun Sharma
>>>>>>>> Tecnics
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Live-demo] Does your application work on the
>>>>>>>> click2try
>>>>>>>> GISVM?
>>>>>>>> Hi Aneel,
>>>>>>>> I tried to connect and have a look. I can't get access, maybe
>>>>>>>> because someone else is using the VM, is that correct? I read
>>>>>>>> "Public Internet Access: Yes, Not available" and I see one user
>>>>>>>> online.
>>>>>>>> Concerning the problem, the first two lines are normal for a very
>>>>>>>> first time startup. The following three lines are not and indicate
>>>>>>>> that the permissions of the account running the application don't
>>>>>>>> allow writing to the logs directory. Most likely the same is true
>>>>>>>> for some other directories that GeoNetwork needs to be able to
>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>> to. I suggest reviewing the privileges of the process owner to
>>>>>>>> ensure that write privileges are given to the GeoNetwork
>>>>>>>> application
>>>>>>>> folders.
>>>>>>>> Let me know if I can help further.
>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>> Jeroen
>>>>>>>> ps. I will be on my way to Sydney from Thursday morning onwards
>>>>>>>> (Amsterdam time zone).
>>>>>>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 8:54 PM, Aneel wrote:
>>>>>>>> Issue2: (GeoNetwork - it doesn't work)
>>>>>>>> Launching /usr/lib/geonetwork/bin/start-geonetwork.sh
>>>>>>>> rm: cannot remove `logs/*request.log*': No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> rm: cannot remove `logs/output.log': No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> mv: cannot stat `logs/geonetwork.log.*': No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> mv: cannot stat `logs/intermap.log.*': No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> mv: cannot stat `logs/geoserver.log.*': No such file or directory
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