[Live-demo] Re: GISVM is published on click2try

Tom Callaghan tom.callaghan at click2try.com
Thu Oct 15 16:51:21 EDT 2009

Hi Alex,

> Great news Tom. Just some minor notes about the link and catalog
> placement. Geospatial has t not a c. I'd also like to discuss if Web
> Development is the best placement, while 1/2 the projects are web
> related the other 1/2 are clearly desktop applications. I wonder if it
> warrants a new category in the catalog for Scientific which is how some
> of the apps get classified, other consider it Edu.

First, I'm sorry about the misspelling.  It has been corrected.  

Second, we have already defined a Scientific/Engineering category.  I just
have not had any applications in that category as of yet.  I went ahead and
added the GISVM to Scientific/Engineering/Geospatial as well.  So check it
out again and see what you think.


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