[Live-demo] new apps for 4.0

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 4 07:54:58 EDT 2010

Henry wrote:
> I made a deb package for Ubuntu. I'm now looking into how to
> include it into Ubuntu's repos.

great! for the Ubuntu package you should probably contact
the UbuntuGIS mailing list, ubuntu at lists.osgeo.org. (subscribe
in the same place as this live-demo list) having said that
Alex probably has some good advice to share.

> Also, I made an install script based on the examples in
> LiveDVD repos. I am yet to test the script. I should send both
> the deb package and the install script to you by this evening
> ( GMT ).

it would be good if you could set yourself up with an osgeo
ID, then we can add you to the list of maintainers with SVN
write access. 

if you provide a url for the deb I can upload it to where it
needs to go. if not get in touch and we'll sort something out.
(depends how big it is..)  ideal is to have the script fetch
the .deb from UbuntuGIS or your project's download server at
build time.



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