[Live-demo] Re: New comment on OSGeo Live DVD and Virtual Machine released: Marble

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun Apr 11 02:16:38 EDT 2010

Hi Javier,
SUSE Studio does look powerful. I can see why you would select it.

For better or worse, we have been building our GeoSpatial Live DVDs upon 
an Ubuntu system (or rather Xubuntu).
Some of the geospatial applications are packaged as .deb files, but most 
need to be installed manually.

We have simplified the install process by writing bash scripts to do 
these installations. These bash scripts may work for other operating 
systems, but at the moment they have not been tested, and there will 
likely be glitches.

You ask what we mean by packaging. For most of the applications we 
install, it means running the install_application.sh script. For 
packaged applications like marble, this is as simple as "apt-get install 
marble". But we still wish to have a representative from each project 
who can help us:
* Verify the applicaiton has installed on our LiveDVD correctly
* Write project description pages
* Answer any project specific questions that arrise from time to time.

Javier Llorente wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> Sorry for the late reply.
> Cornelius created the Marble Live CD and I upgraded the base OS (openSUSE 
> 11.2) and KDE (4.3.1) using SUSE Studio. You should give SUSE Studio a whirl. 
> Why? Because you can create custom openSUSE-based Live CD/DVDs, VMware 
> images, USB images, etc from your browser and you can also test them without 
> having to download them, straight from your browser. If you want, I can send 
> you an invite for SUSE Studio www.susestudio.com
> I don't know what you mean by packaging. Marble is already packaged for the 
> major distributions.
> Greetings,
> Javier
> On Monday 05 April 2010 12:34:22 Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Hi rahn,
>> Great to hear that you have been packaging Marble.
>> I'm keen to see if you would be interested in collaborating in packaging.
>> We quite a comprehensive build process set up here:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Build
>> I suspect that you would be able to re-create your Marble ISO, with a
>> few hours tweaking scripts, and then a day or two running the build
>>  scripts.
>> Also, we don't know anyone with expertise in Marble that is able to help
>> us package and test Marble works with each of our releases. I wonder
>> whether you would be able to help with that? Here are our list of
>> project contacts:
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdGIzd0VLLTBpQVJuNVlHMlB
>> WSDhKLXc&hl=en_GB
>> rahn wrote:
>>> rahn <http://www.blogger.com/profile/10064409683560799233> has left a
>>> new comment on your post "OSGeo Live DVD and Virtual Machine released
>>> <http://cameronshorter.blogspot.com/2010/03/osgeo-live-dvd-and-virtual-ma
>>> chine.html>":
>>> Cool. This one nicely complements our Marble in a Box Live DVD
>>> <http://www.cornelius-schumacher.de/marbleinabox.html> which comes
>>> with the latest Marble version and some additional data.
>>> I'll add your OSGeo Live DVD to Marble's Website. Thanks for including
>>> Marble!
>>> Publish
>>> <http://www.blogger.com/comment-moderate-confirm.g?blogID=24623504&postID
>>> =1062874228758027102&publish=true> this comment.
>>> Reject
>>> <http://www.blogger.com/comment-moderate-confirm.g?blogID=24623504&postID
>>> =1062874228758027102&reject=true> this comment.
>>> Moderate <http://www.blogger.com/moderate-comment.g?blogID=24623504>
>>> comments for this blog.
>>> Posted by rahn to Cameron Shorter
>>> <http://cameronshorter.blogspot.com/> at 7:07 PM

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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