[Live-demo] Review of osgEarth overview documentation

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun Aug 1 07:17:53 EDT 2010

Great documentation, thank you.
I've added a few suggestions in italics below.
Ideally we can get your documentation updates by tomorrow (when we built 
a release for User Acceptance Test), otherwise over this coming week is 

  osgEarth¶ <cid:part1.08050004.05090501 at gmail.com>

    Terrain rendering toolkit¶ <cid:part2.05010306.09040504 at gmail.com>

osgEarth is a scalable terrain rendering toolkit for OpenSceneGraph 
<http://www.openscenegraph.org/> (OSG), an open source, high 
performance, 3D graphics toolkit. Just create a simple XML file, point 
it at your imagery, elevation, and vector data, load it into your 
favorite OSG application, and go! osgEarth supports all kinds of data 
and comes with lots of examples to help you get up and running quickly 
and easily.
/Cameron: Do users need to write the XML file by hand (which is scary to 
users)? If they can create the XML using a GUI, then mention that, and 
probably call the XML file a "configuration file".
Cameron: I suggest writing a paragraph here explaining what terrain 
modelling is, and how it is used. Note that many users of the liveDVD 
won't know what terrain modelling is - their GIS experience being 
limited to using Google Maps./

      Core Features¶ <cid:part3.01000407.08080402 at gmail.com>

osgEarth makes is easy to deploy scalable terrain models:

    * Create terrain models - either offline, or dynamically at run-time
    * Load whole-earth terrains without writing any code
    * Layer imagery to produce high-resolution insets
    * Combine multiple imagery, elevation, and vector data sources on
      the fly
    * Set up map tile caches to maximize performance
    * Adjust layer opacity for multi-texturing effects

But osgEarth does more than just render terrain:

    * Drape vector (GIS) data on the terrain
    * Reproject data among different coordinate reference systems
    * Place external models on the terrain with lat/long coordinates
    * Do fast intersection testing
    * Incorporate new data into existing VPB databases (without
      rebuilding them)
    * /Cameron: Please expand the acronym "VPB"/
    * Access terrain tiles directly for non-visual processes

Things you can see:

    * GeoTIFF imagery and DEM files (plus lots of other formats)
    * Vector data like ESRI shapefiles
    * OGC-compliant web mapping data (like WMS
    * /Cameron: What other OGC layers can you see? WFS? WCS? Please list
      them as well./
    * GIS layers published with MapServer <http://mapserver.org> or ESRI
      ArcGIS Server <http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/arcgisserver/>
    * Online maps like OpenStreetMap <http://openstreetmap.org>, ArcGIS
      Online <http://resources.esri.com/arcgisonlineservices/>, or NASA
      OnEarth <http://onearth.jpl.nasa.gov>

      Details¶ <cid:part4.05020305.01010806 at gmail.com>

*Website:* http://osgearth.org/

*Licence:* GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

*Software Version:* 1.3

*Supported Platforms:* Linux, Mac, Windows

*API Interfaces:* C++

*Commercial Support:* http://osgearth.org/#ProfessionalServices

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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