[Live-demo] Re: Review of MapTiler Overview docs

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 3 05:31:30 EDT 2010

> the corrections are fine, thanks you. There is a typo in
> "powerfuil", otherwise it is completely OK.

anyone have a good way of bulk spell checking the reSt documents from either
the command line or by handing a base URL to some tool on the web?

best I can come up with:

cd doc/overview/

cat *.rst | aspell -a | grep -v '^*$\|^$\|really Aspell' | \
   cut -f2 -d' ' | sort | uniq | less

It seems like we will go with English this time around, but which flavo(u)r?

British spellings or American? Currently it is an inconsistent mix.
I don't mind which it is, but we should pick one.



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