[Live-demo] Offering free mirror in Germany

Stefan A. Tzeggai tzeggai at wikisquare.de
Tue Aug 10 07:09:17 EDT 2010

Hash: SHA1


When I am not developing AtlasStyler and Geopublisher, I make a living
with wikisquare.de, a tiny company in Bonn (Germany) thats specialized
in FOSS+Java+Geo+Statistics.

When i had to quickly test AtlasStyler in 4.0rc6 yesterday, it was
really a showstopper to wait over 100 minutes for the download to finish.

So http://wikisquare.de wants to offer the project free mirroring
services in Germany.

* I can offer up to 100GB of storage, fast connection and all traffic

I hope setup doesn't involve more than:

** On my side: Setting up a cronjob to rsync a folder on your server
every 30min. This would need a ssh/rsync login account to the existing
build/deployment server.

** On project side: Update the .html files that starts the download to
offer alternative links. Somewhere tinily provide a back-link to

** On my side: Setup DNS osgeolivemirror.wikisquare.de

** On my side: The rsync could also copy .torrent files and the server
could start serving them automatically. (I want to use every opportunity
to show legal uses of torrents.)

If you guys want it, I can set it up this week i guess. (After i fixed
the AtlasStyler bug).

Greetings and keep the good work up,
- -- 
wiki² - Softwareentwicklung
Stefan A. Tzeggai, geb. Krüger
Straßburger Weg 26
53113 Bonn

email   tzeggai at wikisquare.de
phone   0228 24 000 528
mobile  0176 40 38 9559
webpage wikisquare.de
twitter http://twitter.com/geopublishing
skype   alfonx

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