[Live-demo] PyWPS on the live disc

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 11 06:22:41 EDT 2010

Massimo wrote:
> my mail was just to tell people - i've tested the script on
> a "full live build procedure".

Hi, quick greetings from the road.

thanks for the script- I look forward to trying it out. will the
full workshop material be posted afterwards?

fyi I just made a few minor changes in svn to make it agree with
our packaging conventions.

yes, it is far too late to add for this edition, feature freeze
was just too long ago and we are now working on the final cut.

minor version 4.5 is intended for some months from now and it
can be on that. hopefully a point release by then so it doesn't
have to pull from svn? (moving targets are discouraged)



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