[Live-demo] Projects Sponsors (ie who pays for your supper)

Astrid Emde astrid_emde at osgeo.org
Mon Aug 30 04:30:33 EDT 2010

Hello Jody,

 do you know the OSGeo page Service providers
(http://www.osgeo.org/search_profile)? It is linked from the main page.

 There you find all companies and the software they provide support for.
Maybe you could refer to this link too.

 Here are the informations for the WhereGroup:

 We support the following projects (development/translation/little
 Quantum GIS

 Best regards Astrid

 Stefan A. Tzeggai schrieb:    -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash:
SHA1  Hi  Geopublisher AtlasStyler  Sponsor: wikisquare.de  Am 27.08.2010
12:12, schrieb Jody Garnett:           I am really happy with the
presentation thus far (a few trouble cases where projects do not have a
sexy screen snap).  One thing I traditionally like to provide is a shout
out to organisations that sponsor/support the different projects. I find
it important when evaluating a project for my own use; and such
information is often difficult to tease out of the various websites.  I
understand we did not include this on our project overviews; but if the
information could be obtained I really would like to credit those who pay
for our supper.  With this in mind could I ask project reps on this email
list to reply?  As an example: - GeoServer: OpenGeo, Refractions
Research, Axios, GeoSolutions, The Where Group, LISAsoft, Camptocamp,
Alkante (from their commercial support page) - uDig: Axios, CamptoCamp,
HydroloGIS, LISAsoft, Refractions Research (from their user page)  Jody  
On 26/08/2010, at 9:58 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:                  I am
putting it together; I am mostly grabbing content from the overview docs.
 I put out some ideas back in Feb for a group presentation; as it is
LISAsoft has decided to put one in.  Spending time on each project
amounts to ... 90 seconds a project :-)  I actually want to tone that
down a bit and introduce the live dvd, its history and success. Devote
the bulk of the presentation to the software; and talk a little bit more
about the project's goals.  Since this is one of the first presentations
I really want to introduce categories of software to help people plan the
rest of their week (indeed that is how the presentation description is
written up).  Jody  On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 1:41 AM, Trevor Wekel  wrote:
                      Hi everyone,  Who is putting together the
OSGeo-Live Lightning Presentation for FOSS4G?  When do we need final
content by?  Regards, Trevor  
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 --   Mit freundlichen Grüßen  Astrid Emde 
******************************************** FOSS4G 2010 6.-9. September
2010 in Barcelona  http://2010.foss4g.org/
----------------------------------  Aufwind durch Wissen!  Qualifizierte
OpenSource-Schulungen bei der www.foss-academy.eu 
----------------------------------   Astrid Emde  WhereGroup GmbH &
Co.KG  Siemensstraße 8  53121 Bonn  Germany   Fon: +49(0)228 90 90
38 - 19  Fax: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 11   astrid.emde at wheregroup.com 
www.wheregroup.com  Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6788
------------------------------- Komplementärin: WhereGroup
Verwaltungs GmbH vertreten durch: Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm

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