[Live-demo] Spanish files temporarily ruined

Javi Sanchez jsgisdev at gmail.com
Mon Dec 20 15:18:17 EST 2010


I'm afraid I may have spoiled the svn existing Spanish files. I've found 
out that since a recent commit all my previous spanish files have now 
turned into English again, and other Spanish files, not translated by 
me, seems to be  disappeared.

I've noticed this mess occurred at revision 5300.

The fact is that I reinstalled all my computer again, and this time I 
decided to point directly the OmegT source files to the SVN English 
version folder, and the OmegaT target files to be the SVN Spanish 
folder, and no to do the translation on a copy aside. After translating 
the next file and run  'Create Translated Documents' option I think I 
replaced the existing documents into English version.

But, any way, I can fix it by hand in, thanks to my backcup, the 
following days, not today. However, If anyone is interested in helping 
me with this, and know how to turn back '/es'  folder files to version 
previous to 5300, I would appreciate it and I would promise not to do 
this again ;-).



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