[Live-demo] Arramagong Virtual Machine 3.0 rc2 is ready for download

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 22 03:51:30 EST 2010

Cameron wrote:
> I've cut a new Virtual Machine
> release over the weeked. Virtual Machine and logs are now
> ready for download at:
> http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/


just scanning the "error" grep at the end of the log, a few

 * several "ERROR 404: Not found"
 * please set wget to be less verbose (-nv) for tiny files

 * build fails
 * sudo not needed
 * please remove -dev packages once you are done with them.
   (libboost-dev takes up hundreds of MB)

R: (rpy) needs the LAPACK math library.
     -- should we install the "rpy2" package??

> Now is the right time to make decisions re:
> * Layout of the desktop (the icons are getting crowded)

I suggest to have install_desktop.sh mkdir several folders
in ~user/Desktop/ for various classes of software.
Then do
 mv ~user/Desktop/package*.desktop "~user/Desktop/Desktop GIS/"
etc. Do that sorting in the install_desktop.sh script to
centralize it and to make it easier for the individual install
script maintainers.

possible categories:
-Desktop GIS
-Globes and Navigation

> * What we want to the documentation to look like.
> (Consistancy between projects would be good)
> * Overall look and feel

open to suggestions.



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