[Live-demo] tmp-files couldn´t be created under /tmp

Kristof Lange kristof.lange at uni-muenster.de
Sun Jul 4 14:35:44 EDT 2010

Hi everyone,

our 52nWPS needs some .tmp-files to be stored and therefore it will use 
the default-tmp-folder ("/tmp"). While I was testing our 
installation-script one the .iso livedvd (with virutalbox), i got the 
error, that no .tmp-files could be created in the tmp-folder.
We use "static File createTempFile( String prefix, String suffix ) 
throws IOException"-method for creating these .tmp-files, but we are not 
able to launch the application and create tmp-files without having 
The script works well on my machine..
Has anyone the same problems or better a solution for this dilemma?

Just 3 1/2 hours left ;-)

Best regards

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