[Live-demo] gvSIG scripts update

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at gvsig.com
Tue Jul 6 03:25:08 EDT 2010


I've just uploaded my last updates about gvSIG Desktop (#3875). I
updated yesterday the install script (#3865) but today I realized that
it wasn't called from main.sh.

I've also updated the docs, so I hope everything should work fine.

We've used for this release of the LiveDVD the new (in stabilization
process) 1.10 version that comes also with SEXTANTE and NavTable
extensions by default and it uses Java 1.6 (so it works with the default
JVM of the LiveDVD).

Sorry to be so late

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
gvSIG Team at Prodevelop
Technical Collaborations Manager

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