[Live-demo] RC4 Build and Docs Styles

maplabs at light42.com maplabs at light42.com
Mon Jul 26 19:27:11 EDT 2010

hi all-
  (just back, catching up)
install_gisdata.sh had a bug in the last build (?)
so you might want to just run that one script manually 
   sudo bin/install_gisdata.sh
you ought to end up with a database in postgres thats usable for 
building examples, quickstarts, whatever.. 
  best regards
Brian Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
(415) 717-4462 cell

On Mon, 26 Jul 2010 16:21:56 -0700, Alex Mandel  wrote:
On 07/26/2010 02:53 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:
  > > Wondering if I should wait a few hours before starting the next build
  > > (rc4 seems to be what people want to call it). 
  > >
  > > Right now I'm trying to tackle the styling and linking of the sphinx
  > > generated html. I'm somewhat confused as to why some links are
  > > autoreplaced and others not (R specifically, probably a name mismatch)
  > > and why a Quickstart link is on the contents page but not an explicit
  > > link for the Description. Yes the name links but I don't think that's
  > > clear to the end user that they probably want to read the full
  > > description before the Quickstart. 
  > >
  > > Also, any reason we aren't use the TOC feature of Sphinx for the whole
  > > help section? The link to the top of the documentation in the overviews
  > > goes to a sphinx generated copy of the home which lacks any links to get
  > > elsewhere, and the index is just blank. 
  > >
  > > I assume as I dig into sphinx I'll find some of these answers, but if
  > > someone already knows, please feel free to enlighten me. 
  > >
  > > Thanks,
  > > Alex
  > I looked over the logs and all but about 1-2 changes since last build
  > are docs related. So I'm going to hold off starting the build for about
  > 16 hours to allow more time for the doc stuff to come in and work out
  > some of the kinks in the css, and navigation. 
  > Testers, as far as you're concerned the last build is basically going to
  > be the same, so test away and fill out results on
  > http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Testing
  > Please email or file a ticket if you find a major bugs. 
  > Note: now that the symlink in the home directory goes straight to the
  > shared data, there is no obvious way for a user to find example projects
  > when they do a file open in a given application. ie:QGIS, GVSig etc. 
  > Should we add another symlink? Maybe call it Examples, ProjectFiles ?
  > Thanks,
  > Alex
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