[Live-demo] Review of QGIS mapserver Overview docs

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Wed Jul 28 07:44:56 EDT 2010

Nice to see QGIS mapserver introduced to this release of OSGeo Live.
Below are my review comments in italics. I've copied these comments into 
the source .rst file.

I notice you don't have a screen shot yet. Can you please get one. It 
makes the documentation look really professional.

  QGIS mapserver¶ <cid:part1.02080600.06050307 at gmail.com>

    Web Service¶ <cid:part2.03050909.03060605 at gmail.com>

QGIS mapserver provides a web map service (WMS) based on the Quantum GIS 
(QGIS) libraries. One of the major advantages therefore is the close 
integration with the desktop application QGIS. Because QGIS mapserver 
uses the same code for data access and rendering, the web maps look 
exactly as in the desktop application. Furthermore, all the advanced 
features of QGIS (e.g. intelligent labelling, the new symbology engine, 
creating layer groups) are supported. The export of a desktop project to 
the web is straightforward. Just copy (or symlink) the QGIS project file 
(.qgs) into the server directory.
/Cameron: I've reworded above to use less words, but convey the same 
meaning. (In marketing, less words get read by more people)/

Although QGIS mapserver is not as widely used as other open source 
mapservers, the user base is growing. There is already a number of 
users, especially in the university and public administration domains.
/Cameron: I suggest removing the above line, as it leaves the user 
feeling like the project is not used by many people and hence is not 
worth checking out./

      Core Features¶ <cid:part3.03070703.08020600 at gmail.com>

    * Web Map Service (WMS) implementation
    * Good integration with desktop GIS (QGIS)
    * Easy to use
    * Supports Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD)
    * Advanced cartographic symbolisation
    * Provides SOAP bindings

      Implemented Standards¶ <cid:part4.06050304.07020400 at gmail.com>

    * OGC standards compliant (WMS + SLD)
    * /Cameron: Can you please update to include which versions of WMS
      and SLD are supported/

      Details¶ <cid:part5.03050604.01000009 at gmail.com>

*Website:* http://karlinapp.ethz.ch/qgis_wms/

*Licence:* GPL

*Supported Platforms:* Windows, Linux

*Commercial Support:* http://www.sourcepole.com/

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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