[Live-demo] Re: Review Kosmo Overview docs

Sergio Baños Calvo listas at saig.es
Thu Jul 29 19:24:04 EDT 2010

Good night, Cameron.

Thanks to you for the comments made to the overview docs. I've read your 
suggestions about the docs and made the appropiate changes to the doc 
and added some extra lines (all have been commited).


Cameron Shorter escribió:
> Sergio, thanks for your overview docs. I've added a number of 
> suggestions to your docs below in italics.
> I understand English is your 2nd language, so I've made some suggested 
> alternative expressions in places.
> Also, I've added some marketing advice which I think will help sell 
> Kosmo better.
> Could you please incorporate these comments by the end of the week.
>   Kosmo Desktop¶
>   <mailbox:///C%7C/Users/Elroth/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/xzdu4it7.default/Mail/mail.saig-1.es/Inbox?number=184374323&header=quotebody&part=1.1.2&filename=kosmo_overview.html>
>     Desktop GIS¶
>     <mailbox:///C%7C/Users/Elroth/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/xzdu4it7.default/Mail/mail.saig-1.es/Inbox?number=184374323&header=quotebody&part=1.1.3&filename=kosmo_overview.html>
> Kosmo - Desktop is a general Desktop-GIS. Using extra extensions 
> allows customizing it for specific purposes.
> /Cameron: I think it would help a lot if you described specifically 
> what Kosmo does, or why you would use it, rather that just "general 
> Desktop-GIS". Would the following be correct:
> "Kosmo is a user friendly, desktop GIS application which allows you to 
> explore, edit and analyse spatial data from a variety of databases, 
> vector and raster formats. Kosmo follows OGC standards and provides 
> excellent topology integrity. Kosmo's plug in architecture enables it 
> to be easily customised for specific purposes."/
> It’s designed for the average GIS user, with special emphasis on 
> user-friendly interface (quite similar to the most famous and wide 
> used commercial desktop GIS). It’s open source and provides users with 
> the most useful tools to explore, edit and analyze spatial data. All 
> of it by observing the OpenGIS standards and applying high efforts to 
> maintain the data topology quality.
> /Cameron: Don't talk about commercial software here - you are 
> promoting your product - not someone else's. I think the above 
> paragraph can be removed, if you use my suggested words (or similar) 
> above./
> It’s the first component of a series of developments oriented to be a 
> complete spatial data infrastructure that will be made available to 
> the entire community.
> /Cameron: I assume that above you are suggesting that there is extra 
> functionality to be created around Kosmo some time in the future. This 
> overview doc is not the place to talk about future functionality as 
> people are wanting to read about what is available NOW. So I suggest 
> removing the above line./
> screenshot 
> <mailbox:///C%7C/Users/Elroth/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/xzdu4it7.default/Mail/mail.saig-1.es/Inbox?number=184374323&header=quotebody&part=1.1.4&filename=kosmo.jpg> 
>       Core Features¶
>       <mailbox:///C%7C/Users/Elroth/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/xzdu4it7.default/Mail/mail.saig-1.es/Inbox?number=184374323&header=quotebody&part=1.1.5&filename=kosmo_overview.html>
> /Cameron: Text below looks good. I've simplified a few words to make 
> it read better:
> /The supported formats are:
>     * Vectorial file formats: Shapefiles, GML, DXF, DWG, DGN, CSV (by
>       an extension)
>     * Vectorial databases: PostgreSQL + PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL
>     * Raster file formats: ECW, MrSID, Tiff, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP
>     * OGC services: WMS 1.0.0/1.1.0/1.3.0, WFS 1.0.0/1.1.0
> Another key features present at the current version:
>     * Advanced printing module based on OpenOffice offimatic suite (by
>       an extension)
>     * Topology consistency rules: pre/during/post edition
>     * Geoprocessing wizard extension:
>       buffer/dissolve/merge/clip/intersection/spatial join/difference
>     * Sextante 0.5
>       Implemented Standards¶
>       <mailbox:///C%7C/Users/Elroth/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/xzdu4it7.default/Mail/mail.saig-1.es/Inbox?number=184374323&header=quotebody&part=1.1.6&filename=kosmo_overview.html>
>     * OGC standards compliant /Web Map Service/ (WMS) 1.0.0/1.1.0/1.3.0
>     * /Web Feature Service (/WFS) 1.0.0/1.1.0
>       Details¶
>       <mailbox:///C%7C/Users/Elroth/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/xzdu4it7.default/Mail/mail.saig-1.es/Inbox?number=184374323&header=quotebody&part=1.1.7&filename=kosmo_overview.html>
> *Website:* http://www.opengis.es
> *Licence:* GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
> *Software Version:* 2.0
> *Supported Platforms:* Windows, Linux
> *API Interfaces:* Java
> *Commercial Support:* http://www.saig.es/index.php?lang=en
> -- 
> Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Director
> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally
> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
> http://www.lisasoft.com


Sergio Baños Calvo

Jefe de desarrollos
Sistemas Abiertos de Información Geográfica, S.L. (SAIG S.L.)
Tlfno. móvil: 685005960
Tlfno. fijo: (+34) 954788876

E-mail: sbc at saig.es

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