[Live-demo] Conditions to add a new project ?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 16:56:02 EDT 2010

Yes, Alex has provided good answers to these questions.

At the moment, we don't have formal guidelines for what is, or is not on 
OSGeoLive, but I expect that we will need to address that soon, as 
getting onto OSGeoLive is going to become very desirable for projects 
due to the marketing reach of OSGeoLive, and we only have limited space. 
So we are going to have to put objective criteria in place to specify 
what is, or is not, included.

I'd say the first criteria is that the application is stable, and is 
used in production, ideally in a number of places.

Alex Mandel wrote:
> Here's the simple explanation:
> 1. You need to build a shell script (.sh) to install your application
> either from a deb package(ubuntu lucid) or from a web download.
> For examples see:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/bin
> 2. You need to write some documentation for the project
> For examples see(this version may require slightly more than what's in
> these):
> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/descriptions
> More Details:
> Because we intend to release a new version approx every 6 months(every
> new version of ubuntu) we are looking for projects that intend to
> continue to upgrade and maintain their installation scripts that often.
> We didn't highlight it much this time, but we have tested putting
> OSGeoLive on USB and it works. In future versions we will highlight this
> more.
> OSGeoLive is a Virtual Machine, DVD or USB stick all from the same
> automated build process which is why your application install must be a
> script. Previous names have included FOSS4G DVD, LiveDVD, etc.
> Our previous discussion over if we would include the application was
> merely about what we prefer, and criteria by which we would rank
> applications if we need to eliminate some for space reasons.
> While we do include some new/beta applications our preference is for
> stable applications as part of our target audience is the general GIS
> community who have never tried Open Source before.
> Keep in mind in order to be considered for this upcoming version which
> will be given out at the conference we need at least a draft script in
> our svn before the Feature Freeze(in 2 weeks). You will still have 1
> month after that to bug fix and finish documentation.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On 06/14/2010 07:51 AM, Bob Basques wrote:
>> All, 
>> Relaed to this thread.  I'm thinking about adding GeoMoose as well.  But
>> I'm having a hard time gleening how much work it will be over the long
>> haul.  I don't want it to end up half done for example. 
>> Also, was wondering about things like USB bootable versions of things. 
>> I could include this in the distro for GeoMoose as well, but is that
>> sort of capability played up at all, should it be a separate DVD or
>> Chapter, also, I'm currently working on a Mobile version that likely
>> won't be done in time for inclusion in anything (yet) but I'll include
>> it here as another possible version . . . 
>> Thoughts? 
>> bobb 
>>>>> johann Sorel <sorel.johann at inbox.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>> Hi Johan,
>>> At the moment, we don't have formal guidelines for what is and is not
>>> included in the LiveDVD.
>>> But our general criteria for adding projects has been that the
>> projects
>>> are stable, fill a niche and are being used,
>> So you are basicly saying that starting project that doesn't have a
>> community yet has no chance to be added to the dvd ?
>> Maybe there is a difference between the FOSS4G DVD and what you call the
>> liveDVD.
>> I was referring to your blog post :
>> http://cameronshorter.blogspot.com/2010/06/building-osgeo-live-dvd-for-foss4g-2010.html
>>> and have a person who is
>>> prepared to do the hard work of bundling the software, writing the
>>> documentation, and continuing to maintain the project on the liveDVD.
>> I was thinking it was a special version regrouping applications
>> available at the foss ?
>> or am I wrong ? to I need to maintain it afterward ???
>>> There are no restrictions on creating installer scripts for the
>> LiveDVD,
>>> which means that if the project is not included in the main release,
>> you
>>> can still create your own version of the DVD.
>> There is point making my own DVD, the objective is to show the project
>> exist, not for me
>> but for the community.
>> The project I would like to include is Puzzle-GIS :
>> http://puzzle-gis.codehaus.org
>> It' a Java Desktop GIS build on Netbeans Platform and GeotoolKit.org.
>> the version I will propose is v0.7 which is not available for download
>> yet.
>> it will take ~80Mb and does not need install script.
>> johann sorel
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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